Chapter 12

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Chapter 12:

=Andy's Point of View=

Groaning as there was a knock on the front door, I turned over and looked at the clock. It was only just after nine in the morning, so the last thing I wanted to do was get up and see who was there on the other side of the door. I sighed and turned back over, seeing that Juliet was still asleep; looked like I was gonna have to answer the door.

Hearing as the knock came again, I just sighed once more and got up, sitting on the edge of the bed and seeing as Crow wandered over to me. I looked at him as he rubbed against my legs and the knock came yet again.

I just got up from where I was, seeing as Juliet stirred a bit as I headed out of the room, Crow dashing out in front of me; he was already at the door as I reached the end of the hallway and headed over to the door, whoever was on the other side having started to be a bit more impatient, knocking again.

"Alright; hang on," I called as I finally reached the door and unlocked it.

Opening the door, Vic was the one looking back at me. He narrowed his eyes a slight bit as he saw it was me answering the door and not Juliet.

"Can I help you with something Vic?" I asked, seeing Crow appear off to my side.

I reached down and picked him up, hearing as he meowed at me; the last thing I wanted was for him to escape out the open front door. He'd tried before and I was sure he'd try again.

Vic's gaze switched from me to Crow who wasn't in the least bit happy with me holding onto him and not allowing him freedom from the house. Vic looked back to me and looked me up and down, clearly summing me up.

"Can I come in?" he asked, finally resting his gaze on my face as Crow continued to struggle against me, wanting to get outside.

I gave a nod and moved aside, Vic striding in like he always did. I closed the door and locked it after he was in, placing Crow down on the floor and hearing as he meowed at me and sat down right in front of the door. Vic looked me up and down again as his hands remained in his pockets.

"Go put a shirt on and we'll talk," he said.

I just gave a nod and headed down the hallway and to the bedroom, gently pushing the door open fully, trying not to wake Juliet as I tried to find my shirt in the dark. Finding it on the floor, I grabbed it and headed back out to the hallway, carefully closing the door after myself.

I slipped my shirt on as I headed back to the front of the house to the living room, Vic just standing in the same position and waiting for me; Crow still over at the door.

Vic indicated for me to go into the kitchen, so I did as told, heading over to the table and sitting down, Vic sitting down opposite me.

"So...what's up? Something I can do for you?" I asked, feeling the tension as Vic stared at me from the chair on the opposite side of the table.

"Kellin's calling it off if there's no sign of Johnathon by tomorrow," he said, getting straight to the point, his tone hard and serious. "Just came by to let Juliet know, but she's clearly got other things to do."

I just looked at him, hearing as Crow started meowing, and I heard as he started scratching the door.

"Crow, quit it," I called, looking over my shoulder and seeing him still right in front of the door.

He stopped scratching the door, but continued to meow as he still wasn't allowed out. I looked back to Vic, knowing that there was no way of stopping Crow; as long as he didn't get out, he'd eventually give up.

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