Chapter 8

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Chapter 8:

"How's he keep getting away with it?" Vic asked with frustration, mostly addressing himself and no-one in particular.

"You sure it's not the same guy as last year?" Ashley asked, clearly bored, as Vic hadn't let either of us do anything; he was determined to catch Johnathon one way or another, and if that meant doing the work himself, he was going to do it.

Vic shot him a glare as I just stayed silent.

"It's Johnathon, and that's final," he snapped. "There's no doubt; if it was the same guy as last year, we'd a' caught him by now!!"

Not necessarily; he knew the killer from last year, but he didn't know he was.

"Well I'm just trying to cross out all options!" Ashley shot back.

Vic just waved him away and didn't say any more about it. I wasn't sure if Vic was seriously convinced that Johnathon had been the killer all along and was killing now, or if he was just helping me out by not letting the case get re-opened.

I just looked around as I waited and Vic did whatever it was he was doing; I knew there was no use trying to help out, as he was clearly already in a bad mood due to one thing or another, and Ashley certainly hadn't helped that.


=Andy's Point of View=

"Uh, what is it Crow?" I groaned as I remained with my face buried in the pillow.

Crow continued to meow at me as he rubbed up against my arm, making me flinch and groan again. Juliet had clearly left the bedroom door open, as Crow wouldn't've been in here if she hadn't.

Crow meowed at me again, purring as he continued to rub against me. I heard a knock on the door and groaned once more; it was too early. In all truth, I had no idea what time it was, but I hadn't been awake long, and it felt early.

Another knock on the door made me sigh and lazily lift my head from the pillow, seeing Crow sitting on the bed next to where I was currently laying on my front. Crow watched me, purring softly as he gave a bit of a meow, clearly wanting me to go see who was at the door.

"You could always answer it," I said, looking over to my other side and seeing the clock numbers reading just after twelve.

Crow just sat there and continued to watch me, his tail moving back and forth with slight annoyance as whoever was outside knocked again. I sighed, running my hand through my hair and ruffling it a bit as I shifted my position and rubbed my eyes tiredly.

I looked around for my shirt, trying to find where it'd ended up. The knock came once more as I found my shirt over near the wall and got up to get it, slipping it on as I headed over to the bedroom doorway, going to see who was at the door.

Crow jumped off the bed and ran ahead of me, dashing down the hallway and jumping up on the arm of the sofa, stretching out a bit as I glanced at him and headed over to the door.

Unlocking the door, I gripped the door handle and opened it a slight bit, wondering why there was someone was knocking on my door at this time of the day.

I came to a bit of a halt as I saw who was on the other side.


=Juliet's Point of View=

"Make sure you let me know if you find anything; just call if you need me back in for a few hours," I said as I came to a halt outside the door later that night.

Vic gave a nod, hands in his jacket pockets.

"Sure thing Jules; I'll see ya tomorrow then," he said.

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