Chapter 16

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Chapter 16:

=Juliet's Point of View=

"There's nothing here," I said with a sigh as Ashley looked through the surrounding area. "Maybe they didn't come here after all."

Ashley gave a shrug and came over as I sat down on one of the swings.

"Well maybe they did, maybe they didn't; there's nothing to say there were here but there's nothing to say they weren't," he said, standing just in front of where I was. He gave a sigh. "Maybe Johnathon grabbed them from here."

"I dunno Ashley," I said with a sigh of my own as I looked around from where I was on the swing. "Just hope they're both ok."

"I'm sure they'll be fine Juliet," Ashley said. "Vic's a detective; he'll figure something out and he won't let anything happen to Andy. Now c'mon, let's get back."


=Andy's Point of View=

"So what's the plan?" I asked as I kept my back to Vic who was attempting to get me untied, though it wasn't really going very well.

"I get you untied, you get me untied then we get out," was Vic's strained response. He gave a frustrated sigh. "This' gonna take forever."

"Well we don't really have forever," I said seriously.

"You think I don't know that?" Vic snapped, clearly in no mood for my statements today. "I'm trying the best I can, but it's kinda hard when I also have my hands tied; have a bit of fucking patience."

I just rolled my eyes and stayed silent, knowing that it was probably better that I didn't say anything. The last thing I wanted was for Vic to get pissed off with me and leave me here if he got out.

After a few more minutes, Vic gave another sigh and moved himself away from me, making me look at him. He shook his head.

"Nothing; not gonna happen," he said. "Sorry Andy, looks like we're stuck here."

"Great; looks like we're both gonna die here then," I said, going back to leaning against the wall. "So whatcha wanna do to pass the time?"

Vic looked at me, no amusement on his face whatsoever.

"There's not really anything we can do to pass the time Andy," he said, his tone suggesting that I should've already known that. "We're both tied up in a room with nowhere to go; whatcha think we can do?"

"Sit here and enjoy each other's company?"

Vic shook his head. "You even realise the seriousness of this situation?"

"You think I don't?" I asked, my expression blank as I looked at him. Vic just looked at me with the same expression as before. "Vic, I know how serious this is and I'm pretty sure I'm gonna be the one that gets killed. Johnathon said he was gonna kill me, so he'll probably letcha go."

Vic shook his head. "Doubt it. If anything we're both gonna die."

I just gave a shrug and we both fell silent, Vic clearly thinking. After sitting there in silence for what felt like hours, we both heard as the door unlocked and opened, the light coming in and making us both look away from the sudden light change.

As usual, it was Johnathon that came over and crouched down in front of us both, the amusement on his face once again.

"Well, you've got about...half an hour," he said, looking at the time on his phone. He looked back to Vic and me. "So if I don't hear anyone outside within that time, there's gonna be one less person in this room."

"Why?" I asked, getting his attention. "Why're you so hell-bent on killing us?"

A slight smile appeared on his face as he looked at me. He shifted his position and sat down in front of us.

"You really don't understand my problem with you, do you?" he asked, his focus solely on me still. He gave an amused laugh. "You really that stupid?"

I just stayed silent, not daring to speak back to him; he was unpredictable and that meant he could do anything. I was honestly surprised that he hadn't already just killed either of us.

"Why don't you just tell him then if he doesn't already know," Vic stated coldly. "I think he has a right to know."

Johnathon glanced at him before looking back to me, basically ignoring him.

"For one, you're a serial killer," he said.

"Was," I corrected. "I've retired."

Johnathon laughed again with a shake of his head.

"Amusing; no-one ever 'retires' from killing Andy," he said as I continued to look at him. "Anyway, aside from you being a killer-."

"Like you," I input, a scowl appearing on Johnathon's face.

"As I was saying," he said through his teeth. "Aside from you being a killer, you kidnapped my girlfriend and me along with a few other girls."

"She's not your girlfriend," I growled back. "Juliet wants nothing to do with you."

Another amused laugh from Johnathon.

"She just doesn't know what she's talking about," he said, that half-smirk still present on his face. "You've just done something to make her think you're right for her when you're not; I dunno what you did, but she'll realise sometime that it's false and you don't even care about her."

"That's complete bullshit!" I shouted at him, seeing that my anger amused him. "You know nothing about me Johnathon, so don't you fuck me around with false rumours you've heard or made up!"

Another amused laugh from Johnathon.

"She just doesn't know what she's talking about," he said, that half-smirk still present on his face. "You've just done something to make her think you're right for her when you're not; I dunno what you did, but she'll realise sometime that it's false and you don't even care about her."

"That's complete bullshit!" I shouted at him, seeing that my anger amused him. "You know nothing about me Johnathon, so don't you fuck me around with false rumours you've heard or made up!"

Johnathon shook his head.

"Believe what you will Andy, but I know I'm right," he said. "Anyway, besides being a murderer and a liar, I just personally don't like you; you kidnapped me and made me tell you where Juliet was so you could kidnap her as well and do God knows what."

I just stayed silent this time, knowing there was no point in saying anything; there was no way he'd believe me no matter what I said. Johnathon looked to Vic.

"There you go; that good enough reason to hate him?" he asked.

"Not a good enough reason to kill him," Vic said seriously. "So what happens in half an hour, hm? You gonna kill one of us then take out the other? Make one of us stay quiet? What?"

Johnathon turned his phone over in his hands as he regarded Vic.

"Anything's a good enough reason to kill him," he said, signalling to me as I just watched on in silence. "The things he's done? He doesn't deserve to live."

"And you do?" Vic asked as Johnathon's gaze remained on him. "You've done the same things as Andy in a way, and you think you get the right to live and he doesn't?"

"I'm the one in charge here, so yeah, I think so," he sneered back. He looked at the time on his phone again. "Ten minutes left Detective; let's hope they get here fast."


So whatcha think is gonna happen? O_o

What's gonna happen to Johnathon? Andy? Vic? Who knows! I'd like to hear what you guys think :D

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