Chapter 17

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Chapter 17:

=Juliet's Point of View=

"We're running out of time; how have you not found where he is yet?" I asked desperately.

"We haven't had any tips or calls about him or the two missing," Kellin said as I paced back and forth like last time he was sitting in the house on the sofa, Ashley off to his side. "We've got no leads whatsoever; don't even know where he grabbed 'em from."

"Well find out!" I snapped, no longer pacing. "We've got less than ten minutes before he calls again and kills one of them, maybe both! Why're we just sitting around doing nothing? Have you even got anyone trying to find them?"

"Juliet, just calm down," Kellin said seriously. "We've got people looking and doing everything they can to find them; so just calm the fuck down and leave it to us."

I looked at him with a slight glare, but didn't say anything. I saw as Ashley flinched and saw Crow rubbing up against him. I sighed and went over, picking up Crow who meowed in protest.

"He seems to have taken a liking to you," I said as I held Crow and patted him. "Doesn't happen very often."

Ashley just gave a nod and Kellin looked to me.

"He said he'd call if we didn't find him?"

I gave a nod and looked to him as Crow meowed at me, rubbing against me as I held him.

"He said that if you guys didn't find him before four today he'd call and make me choose who he's gonna kill," I said, Crow meowing a bit louder and struggling to get out of my grip. "So we're probably gonna receive a phone call in less than five minutes."

Kellin gave a nod; he was certainly not very worried about this.

"So what're we gonna do when he calls?" Ashley asked, his focus on Kellin who looked deep in thought.

Kellin gave a slight shake of his head as he thought.

"I honestly don't know," he said, saying the words I was dreading. "We might not be able to do anything."

I shook my head this time.

"Don't you dare say that," I said, shaking my head again. "You promised you'd find them."

"I never promised anything," Kellin said seriously. "In this line of work, you've gotta prepare for every situation."

"They're gonna be fine," I said bitterly.

Kellin didn't say anything in return, but the three of us had our attention drawn to the house phone as it started ringing and Crow started meowing louder and really trying to get out of my grip. Kellin looked to me and gave a nod.

"Let's see what he wants."


=Andy's Point of View=

Seeing as Johnathon glanced at us before turning his back and heading over to the door, phone against his ear; he was clearly making an important call. I looked to Vic who was watching Johnathon as he went out the door, locking it behind himself and leaving us in the dark again.

"We've gotta move now," I said seriously, keeping my voice down, hearing Johnathon outside the door.

Vic looked to me.

"How? We can't do anything Andy," he said.

"We both gonna die if we don't get out now," I said, hearing as Johnathon raised his voice outside the door. "We've gotta work quick."

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