Chapter 4

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Chapter 4:

I quietly closed the door, re-locking it so Andy wouldn't freak out that I'd left it unlocked. It was nearly midnight, and I'd only just gotten back home; Ashley'd eventually left me alone and I was left with stacks of paperwork.

I'd also forgotten to call Andy to tell him I'd be late.

Sighing, I went into the kitchen and hit the light switch, jumping slightly as Crow looked back at me from his position sitting on the table. I placed my things down as Crow eyed me off.

"Andy asleep?" I asked him quietly, patting him and hearing him purr at me in response. "I know I'm late; I was gonna call but got distracted."

Great, now I was talking to the cat. Maybe I was going mental as well.

I sighed again, leaving Crow in the kitchen and hitting the light switch again, glad I knew my way around the house well enough that I could find my way to the bedroom in the dark. I gently pushed the ajar door open, hearing as Crow rushed past me before I went in, trying to be as quiet as I could, as I could see Andy was already asleep in bed.

I carefully sat down on the edge of the bed and took my shoes off, jumping slightly as Crow rubbed up against me, purring. I just patted him and continued on with getting ready for bed; I'd probably end up sleeping in tomorrow and being later to work than I was today.

I looked over at Andy as I slipped under the sheets, Crow walking over me to get to Andy's pillow so he could doze off with him. What Ashley'd said worried me a bit, as for all I knew, Andy might've gone back to hearing things in his head and was killing again, but deep down, I was pretty sure it was someone else framing him.

I just had to figure out who it was.


"Didn't think you were gettin' up today," Andy stated, glancing at me as I trudged tiredly into the kitchen. "Shouldn't you be getting to work?"

I gave a tired shrug and sat down at the table, Crow continuing to watch Andy from where he was stationed at the bench. Andy stopped what he was doing and placed his hands down on the bench and leant forwards a bit as he looked at me, making me return a tired look of my own.

He sighed.

"You wanna tell me what's up?" he asked as Crow got up and started rubbing against his arm, Andy mindlessly patting him back to keep him happy.

I gave a bit of a shake of my head as I looked at him.

"It's nothing; just a late night."

Andy's expression said he didn't believe me.

"Wanna tell me the truth Juliet? I can see there's more to it than just 'a late night'. Speak up; tell me what's going on," he said, repositioning himself and crossing his arms, making Crow meow at him.

Andy glanced at the cat before looking back to me, waiting for an answer or response of some sort. I gave a sigh of defeat, knowing he wasn't about to let me go anywhere without telling him what was up.

"Alright, fine," I said with another sigh and a shrug as Andy's gaze remained on me. "The new detective we've got, he's trying to get your case re-opened."

Andy frowned, clearly not what he'd been expecting. At least that gave me a bit more confidence that he wasn't the one killing; but that also meant that it was someone else who knew what Andy'd been doing.

"Why's he trying to get it re-opened?" he asked, clearly confused as Crow meowed at him. Andy's gaze switched to the cat and he shook his head. "You know that's false; I practically never leave the house Crow."

Dead and Buried (Sequel to 'Hunted')Where stories live. Discover now