Chapter 9

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Chapter 9:

"I dunno where he'd go," I said as Vic helped me get Andy untied. "I'm sorry Vic."

Vic just shook his head as we managed to get Andy untied and he grabbed him to get him off the chair. I quickly joined him, draping Andy's arm over my shoulders as we lifted him up, Andy not even able to get himself to stand.

We slowly helped him down the hallway to the bedroom and we laid him down on the bed, seeing he was nowhere near in it right now.

"Do you think he's gonna be ok?" I asked quietly as we headed out and left the door ajar, leaving Andy to sleep it all off.

Vic gave a shrug but once again didn't say anything. I frowned, realising I had no idea where Crow was; he was usually wherever Andy was, but I hadn't seen him since I'd gotten home.

We came to a halt in the living room and I went to say something, but Vic and I both heard something coming from the room over on the other side of the living room. I'd never even thought about that room, and I didn't even know what was in there, but there was clearly something there right now.

Vic and I exchanged looks and I headed over to the door and slowly opened it. Something dashed out past me and I just saw as Crow disappeared down the hallway, probably heading to the bedroom to harass Andy or sleep near him. I just sighed and closed the door again, not really having any reason to look in there anyway.

Vic looked to me and indicated for me to follow him into the kitchen. I did as told, turning the light off in the living room and switching the kitchen light on. Vic sat down at the table and looked to me as I sat opposite him.

"You wanna tell me what Johnathon was on about?" he asked quietly, clearly not happy but not wanting to upset me. "There's clearly something going on with Andy; I heard whatcha said the other day when talking to him on the phone. What's going on Juliet? I'm seriously concerned for you lately."

I sighed and looked down as I linked my fingers together, not sure if I should tell him or not; he seemed to know the majority of it anyway.

I looked up and looked at him sadly.

"Vic, if I tell you something, can you promise not to say anything to anyone else?"


"We need people out in the field on this one; if anything comes up, anything at all, report back immediately! We can't let him get away again!"

Kellin stood near Vic and me, Andy still sitting over at my desk, clearly far from impressed this morning. Kellin had half of the building out looking for Johnathon, and Andy was still refusing to talk to him about the whole incident last night.

Once it was just the three of us and Ashley left, Kellin looked between me and Vic.

"Either of you guys know why he won't say anything?" he asked, indicating over to Andy who didn't even look up or move from his current position.

Both Vic and I shook our heads, Ashley staying quiet and just watching Andy. Kellin sighed.

"Well no-one's leaving here until he says something, got it?"

Vic and I both nodded and watched as Kellin exited the room and headed back to his office. Vic looked to Ashley.

"Go get him to talk rookie; gotta speak to Juliet," he ordered, Ashley just walking off without any eye contact or anything to say.

Once he was out of the room and over with Andy, Vic looked to me.

"Alright Jules, this' the deal," he began as I shifted my weight. "I'm not gonna say anything about what you told me, but if someone finds out, it's not my problem."

I gave a nod to indicate that I understood and he continued on with his small lecture.

"From now on, seeing as I now know the whole reasoning behind Johnathon heading after Andy and you, I'm not keeping that fucking case from getting re-opened," he said, making me look at him with disbelief. "If Ashley wants to get it re-opened, I'm not saying no this time; if Andy gets sent to jail, it's not my fucking problem!"

I just stayed silent and looked down. Vic shook his head.

"He's a fucking murderer Juliet; how damn hard is that for you to understand?" he asked. "He killed people for Christ's sake and you've been covering for him this whole damn time! If someone finds out, you're gonna lose your job and most likely your 'boyfriend'. And if he wants to find this guy that's responsible for his parents death, he can find the info himself, and for that matter, how do I know you're not conspiring with him? Huh? For all I know, you've been the one doing the killings."

"You know I'd never do that Vic!" I snapped at him, finally meeting his gaze again. "I can't believe you'd accuse me of that!"

Vic just kept the glare on me.

"And if you're not careful, Andy may well get the blame."


"C'mon Andy, just tell him what happened."

Andy just shook his head in refusal, his expression still exactly the same as before. Vic was clearly getting irritated, as he growled in annoyance and just looked at Andy who still wouldn't meet anyone's gaze, not even mine; he hadn't said a word all day.

"Alright, fine; be like that. If you don't wanna speak, then don't. Just remember that if you don't say anything, it's putting your girlfriend in danger and you can't do anything to stop it."

I heard as Andy gave a bit of an annoyed growl at Vic who just shrugged it off and continued pacing.

"So y'know, it's your choice and all; not like anyone could get seriously hurt or even killed because he's still out there," Vic continued, Andy's expression turning to a glare aimed at the floor in front of him. "But hey, you'll get over it; not like you're gonna help out anyway."

"He just showed up at the door!" Andy shouted, clearly having snapped from Vic harassing him. Vic stopped pacing and looked to Andy with raised eyebrows. "I didn't know who it was 'til I actually unlocked the door and looked out, ok?"

Vic gave a satisfied nod.

"So what'd he want?" he asked as the glare remained on Andy's face.

Andy gave a sigh.

"He just came in, he hit me and I think he drugged me; I don't know," he said, a bit calmer now as he mindlessly played with his bracelet, his focus down the whole time. "He tied me to the chair and was goin' on 'bout how he was..."

Andy trailed off and a frown appeared on his face. Vic frowned as he looked at Andy.

"He what?" he asked with a bit of a shake of his head.

Andy just stayed silent, his focus still on his bracelet. I crouched down in front of Andy and took his hands, making him stop what he was doing, his focus still in the same place.

"Andy, you can tell Vic; I had to tell him," I said quietly, seeing as a slight bit of alarm crossed Andy's face, but he didn't look at me. "He'd figured out the most part of it from what Johnathon said to us; he was gonna find out sooner or later sweetheart."

Andy shook his head and stayed quiet. I sighed and looked to Vic as I let Andy's hands go and he went straight back to playing with his bracelet. I sighed and stood up properly, going back to standing near Ashley who was just watching and taking notes as well.

"He said he was gonna make me pay for what I did," Andy suddenly said, all of us looking back to him, our attention back. "And I know he's gonna come back to finish the job; if you guys hadn't shown up, he'd have done it already."

He fell silent again and Vic looked to me as Ashley scribbled a few things down.

"He said he'd be back," Vic said, me nodding.

I watched as Vic thought, an idea clearly forming in his head. Without another word, he quickly headed over to Kellin's office and disappeared inside.

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