Chapter 3

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Chapter 3:

"Alright, what've we got?" Vic asked as I followed him over to the guy that was already here.

He was clearly the 'new guy', as I hadn't seen him around before, and the way Vic was half-glaring at him and almost speaking down to him, made me believe that was who it was.

He looked up and switched his gaze to me, looking me over once before looking back to Vic who was impatiently waiting for an answer.

"Dunno yet," he said, Vic rolling his eyes in clear, over-exaggerated annoyance. "Was told by you yesterday to not do anything 'til you got here, so that's what I did."

Vic's half-glare became a full glare and he looked over his shoulder at me; I just looked at him.

"See what I mean?" he said, making me shrug and making him groan in annoyance. "That attitude's what I'm talkin' 'bout Jules; won't get him anywhere."

I just shook my head and looked to our new guy who gave me a slightly subtle shrug before Vic looked back to him.

"I'll give you that one, but I don't wantcha bein' smart 'round me, got it rookie?" he said, that glare still on his face.

He got a nod in return and I watched as Vic went about his business of crouching down and looking over the body to find what he was after. Our new recruit came over to where I was, standing next to me and watching Vic 'work his magic'.

"I see he's still got a problem with me," he noted, keeping his voice down as he crossed his arms.

"Don't take it personally," I said in response, glancing at him before looking back to Vic. "He'll get over it eventually; he just hates it when people get promoted onto the team."

He gave a nod and looked to me fully before extending his hand in a friendly manner.

"Sorry, should probably introduce myself; the name's Ashley," he said with a bit of a smile as I shook his hand.


Ashley gave a nod and crossed his arms again, going back to watching as Vic moved around, doing whatever it was he did in these situations.

"Kinda figured that's who you are," Ashley said, making me frown a bit. "Vic never shuts up about how much better you are; apparently I have to live up to that."

I looked at him, seeing the slightly annoyed frown on his face as he watched Vic.

"Really?" I said, getting a nod in response.

"Mmhm, you betcha," he said in return. "I dunno why Vic's so focused on me having to be as good as you, but that's all he ever tries to remind me of."

I just stayed silent, not sure what to say in response. Ashley switched his gaze to me.

"Sorry," he said, making me look at him. "Look, I don't mean to come off as a complete asshole that doesn't care, but I just figured you might know why he's like that."

I gave a shrug as I placed my hands on my hips.

"Who knows? Vic's just like that; there's not really any way to try and explain him," I said, Ashley nodding to indicate he understood. "You'll get used to it the longer you spend around him."

Vic glanced up and over to us, a slightly disapproving look on his face.

"Hey, less talkin', more workin'," he called over, indicating for Ashley and I to come over to where he was. "Getcha selves over here and help out."

Ashley gave a bit of a sigh and headed off to do as told, making me just shake my head a bit as I followed along to Vic's demand.


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