Chapter 13

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Chapter 13:

Closing and re-locking the door once I was outside again, having done as Vic had said and having gotten dressed properly, I headed to the sidewalk where Vic was waiting for me.

"Alright, which way'd the cat go?" he asked with a sigh as his arms remained across his chest; he clearly had better things to do than help me find Crow.

"His name's Crow; not 'the cat'," I said back with annoyance. "And he went that way."

I pointed to my left; Vic's right. He followed where I was pointing and gave a nod, starting to walk off. I quickly followed along behind him, catching up and walking along beside Vic. He just glanced at me as he continued to walk across the grass, following the way that Crow had run off to.

"So why'd you let him outta the house?" Vic asked after a few minutes of searching the nearby area. "Thought you didn't want the cat outta the house."

"His name isn't 'the cat'; it's Crow," I said again with annoyance. "And I didn't let him outta the house; he ran out when I let you out."

"Whatever; I'm only gonna be out here for an hour before you're going back inside," Vic said in reply, his tone emotionless; he clearly didn't wanna be out here with me.

I just shook my head and passed Vic, heading a different way. I heard as Vic sighed behind me, but I kept going to my destination; it was the only place I could think of going. After a short walk, I came to a halt and Vic halted next to me.

"What're we doing here?" he asked as he looked around the abandoned park.

He continued to look around as I walked over to one of the swings, sitting down on it like every time I was here and just swinging back and forth slowly as I looked around. The last time I'd been here was last year with Juliet.

"I dunno; for all I know he ran off this way," I said with a simple shrug, looking up to the sky as the sun shone down in a few places at the park. "Just like it here; haven't been here for a couple months, but I used to come here all the time when I needed to think."

Vic just stayed silent and walked around the perimeter, looking around in case he found Crow somewhere; if we didn't find him around he'd probably just return back home anyway. I sighed and watched Vic.

"Any sign of him?" I called, seeing as Vic started heading back over to me.

He shook his head and came to a halt a fair way away from me; looked like he still wasn't trusting me that much. I sighed and looked down.

"Look Vic, I know we're looking for Crow, but can we maybe just stay here for a few more minutes?" I asked quietly. "I don't get to leave the house much, so it's kinda nice to be out for once."

Vic looked at me for a few seconds before just shaking his head.

"Alright, fine," he said, going over to closest park table and sitting down with his back to me. "Just don't be too long; we've got a cat to find and a girlfriend to return you to."

I gave a nod and continued to keep my gaze down as I swung back and forth.

"Vic?" I said, looking up and seeing as he switched his position so that he could see me. "You never used to hate me; is it only 'cause of what Juliet told you?"

Vic sighed.

"I don't hate you Andy; I just don't have a lot of trust in you now that I know what you did," he said, his tone slightly bitter. He shook his head and looked at me fully. "Why'd you do it? Is whatever you did it for the reason Johnathon's after you?"

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