Chapter 2

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Chapter 2:

"And where do you think you're going?"

Andy slipped his arms around my waist, gently pulling me against him so my back was against his chest. He nuzzled my neck a bit as he refused to let me go.

"I've gotta get to work," I said as I stayed against him, leaning back into him a bit more. "It's nearly ten already and I'm gonna be late."

"I know for a fact, that you have no time you've gotta be in by," Andy said, kissing me on the cheek and making me smile. "So I think you should stay home longer; get to work a bit later."

I turned my head a slight bit to look at him, seeing the content look on his face as he returned the look and held onto me, not about to let me leave.

"I've had the past few weeks off Andy; I've really gotta go," I tried, that smile still on my face as he looked back at me.

Andy shook his head and laid down again, dragging me with him and making me laugh as he held me against him.

"Nope; not letting you leave," he said stubbornly, that smile still there. "I don't wantcha to go just yet; it's too early."

I laughed and turned over to look at him properly, Andy not removing his arms. He smiled back at me as I looked at him.

"I have to get going," I said, tapping his nose and making him laugh a bit. "I promise I'll be back tonight."

"Well you kinda have to be; you basically live here now," Andy said, brushing a bit of my hair off my face as he looked at me. He sighed and removed his arms. "Alright, off you go then."

I smiled at him and gave him a quick kiss before getting off the bed and looking for something to get dressed in for the day.


=Andy's Point of View=

"Maybe you should go answer the phone Crow," I said as I laid there in bed about half an hour after Juliet had left for work and the phone continued to ring. "I'm too comfortable to move right now, and anyway, it's probably no-one important."

Crow meowed at me from where he was lying on the pillow next to my head, but he didn't move to get up; he just closed his eyes and decided to doze off again. I just sighed and got up, throwing the blankets back and walking out of the room with no enthusiasm whatsoever.

The phone continued to ring as I picked it up and answered.


"Hi, is Juliet there?"

"Who wants to know?" I asked with slight suspicion as I watched Crow wander into the living room and jump up onto the arm of the sofa; watching me.

"It's fine; do you know when she'll be back?"

"She's at work right now; she won't be back 'til later tonight," I said as I just stared at Crow who stared back. "You can leave a message if it's urgent?"

"No, no it's fine. Thanks then."

Whoever was on the other end of the line hung up and I just shook my head and put the phone back. I frowned as I stood there though; I was pretty sure I'd known who that was. They sounded kinda familiar and that worried me a bit. Who'd be calling for Juliet and how'd they know she lived here now?

I just shook my head and looked at Crow.

"Think I should let Juliet know 'bout this? The phone call was for her after all."

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