Chapter 7

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Chapter 7:

I silently cursed myself for not being more careful. Sighing again and turning around, I saw Vic just watching me, hands in the pockets of his jacket and an unamused look on his face.

"What part?" I asked, knowing that he'd probably heard the whole thing.

Vic just looked at me for a few seconds before sighing.

"I came to make sure you were ok; you looked pretty freaked out," he began, making me just cross my arms and look down. "I just wanna make sure you're alright Jules."

I gave a bit of a shrug and refused to meet his gaze, not saying anything and making him sigh again.

"Look, if there's something going on, you can tell me," he said, me just staying silent and not saying anything. "Maybe you should've taken longer off Juliet; you've clearly got a lot on your mind right now, 'specially with this whole deal with Johnathon and whatnot. Go home; take the day off and come in tomorrow."

I sighed and looked at him, seeing the concern on his face as a couple of people passed us down the sidewalk.

"You guys got any leads on Johnathon yet?" I asked, heading past him and back into the building, Vic quickly catching up.

"Nothing; no-one's seen him anywhere," he said. "We've lost him for now; he's currently off the grid."

I gave a bit of a nod and came to a halt just before we headed over to where our desks were, Ashley busy once again with a stack of paperwork; seemed like that was Vic's way of distracting him from what was going on.

"Can I ask you a favour?" I asked, keeping my voice down as a few people passed us to get to their other destination.

Vic gave a nod. "Sure thing; whatcha need darlin'?"

I smiled in amusement a slight bit and Vic smiled back before I spoke.

"I need you to do whatever you can to make sure that case from last year doesn't get re-opened," I said, making Vic frown. "Please Vic, I need you to do this for me; I don't care how, but just make sure you stop it getting re-opened."

Vic looked at me for a bit, clearly thinking over what to do. After a bit, he gave a nod of conformation.

"Alright; I'll see what I can do."


=Andy's Point of View=

"So you're right to get this done? Just take care of it; I don't care how. As long as they can't interfere with this 'cause that'll cause more problems, yeah?"

He gave a nod and sighed, looking down at the names I'd provided him with.

"You sure these're the two?"

I gave a nod. "Hundred percent sure. On second thoughts though, maybe don't kill them; I'll get into a lot of trouble with the girlfriend if you do that."

He just rolled his eyes and gave a bored sigh.

"Alright, fine. I won't kill them; I'll get rid of them some other way or just get 'em to stop talking."

I gave a nod. "Awesome. Gimme a call when you're done."


=Juliet's Point of View=

"Hey beautiful."

Andy gave me a smile as I locked the door; it was like nothing had happened between us earlier on today. I gave him a smile in return as I headed past and to the bedroom to put my things down.

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