Clearing out the confusion

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Guys ,
Storytime ,
So i was writing sayonee my one shot and it suddenly got more interesting the more I thought about it, so I decided to give it its own entire story ,
Now there are a few things that i changed in the story line which might have caused some confusion

1 renamed the main Ibrahim when it had been saad in sayonee,
2. I didnt mention Neelums father but he is an important charachter here ,

Everything else is the same the story feels a lil different because now its no longer a one shot ,
I got one comment that the the reader was a lil confused and thought k others would be facing the same problem ,

One more thing, Ibrahim has a very good job that pays well but he has responsibilities being the sole breadwinner so things aren't the smoothest for him, he has to pay the bills , his moms medical bills aswell as for his sisters education , so they aren't as financially comfortable as Neelums family.

I hope I've cleared up most things let me k ow if you have any questions okay ,

Dil e Nadaan जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें