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after i posted on instagram, i fell asleep until me and mom got to our layover, once we got there the plane landing woke me up. we got into our second plane and the ride was just as easy as the first. when we got off in westchester, leo was there to get us. we loaded up the car, the 20 minute drive to get home seemed like 20 hours. i was so excited to see arabella and mama, and hopefully i could see levy tonight.

"cece! erin!" mama shouted when we walked in. "i missed you guys so much, i bet arabellas just as excited to see you as i am." i hold arabella and she lit up, her chubby cheeks made it to where you could barely see her eyes. "i don't think she's ever been so excited" i heard leo say as he walked in with the last of our bags. "moms i know that we just got home but can levy come over tonight?" "of course honey, leo's making alfredo for dinner tonight, her favorite." mom responded, sounding eager to see levy

i show everyone my pictures and we talk about our trip. i played with arabella and showed mama the clothes we got for her and the necklace we got from the boutique. once levy showed up, leo started making dinner.

"CECE!" i heard someone shout from the front door, knowing it was levy. "LEVY, I MISSED YOU SO SO MUCH!" i responded to her excited shout. she ran into the living room and jumped onto me and we hugged for like 5 minutes. "levy guess what," i said to her once we got upstairs and settled down. "what?" she said very quickly after i asked. "ok so first, i have an interview tomorrow in new york city at 2, i have to be there at 1 so we'll leave around 1145, and we're gonna take you, leo's driving and he's going to shop during the interview. second, i have a crush on noah schnapp and it's more than a celebrity crush." i tried to say the last part quick so she wouldn't put much thought into it. "you WHAT!" levy said very loudly. "yeah i have an interview tomorrow for your a star, pretty sick right." "cecilia odette miller! don't play around like that, i knew you liked noah, while you were gone me and leo were talking about you guys and we both knew." she replied in a loud tone. "you and my brother were talking about how you both thought i had a crush on noah. how'd you guys know?" "it's obvious cecilia, every time you talk about him or he comments on your posts you like freak out and blush, i know you try to push it off like it's "normal celebrity interactions" but i know that it's more than that, and i know you well enough to know that you like like him." levy responded. i was shocked, i didn't think it was obvious and i really didn't think i freaked out and stuff but i guess it's whatever.

our night wasn't very eventful, we watched a bunch of stranger things and it interviews, ate dinner, which levy could have ate until she exploded, and we fell asleep kind of early because of the interview tomorrow.

i woke up at 9:30 to my alarm buzzing in my ear. pretty quick after levy woke up, we went downstairs and ate some cereal and started getting ready. "so i was thinking and maybe you should like come in with me, like to the actual interview. it's with wired, it's like cecilia miller answers the webs most searched questions and i think it'd be so cool for you to be in it." i told levy as i started curling my hair. "i dont know cece, i don't think i'd be "natural" infront of the camera." "no no no you would be, it's so easy, i swear, and they'd probably let you" i responded not expecting her to actually say yes. "okay fine i'll do it." "YAY!" i shouted loudly.

i finished curling my hair and levy straightened hers. lev found a nice dress out of my wardrobe and i put on a tight white top with a brown corduroy jacket and light wash boyfriend jeans, i wore my white platform converse with socks sticking out the top. we left my house around 11:45 so we could hopefully be there about an hour early. leo dropped us off at the wired building and we signed in and luckily i was able to get levy in. we talked to the producer and got into the room where we were going to film the interview.

word count- 784

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