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buzz buzz buzz

my alarm rang, for the third time this morning, reminding me i had to wake up again, and get ready because me and noah were taking pictures today. i put on a really basic outfit, a white tanktop, i hoped it wouldn't get me dress coded because it was a little short. i paired the top with black leggings and air forces, for school i put on a brown fuzzy jacket because of dress code, which doesn't make sense because i'm not going to make some horny ass guy fail his test because you can see my shoulders. but i guess teachers can't grasp that so i'll just wear the jacket. i walked downstairs and leo was already waiting for me, i grabbed my bag and laptop and walked out to the garage and we drove to levy's house

"good morning sleepy head" leo said breaking the silence of the morning, "good morning," i said back, not realizing we were 20 minutes later than normal, "leo why are we so late?" "maybe its because you way overslept and i was being nice and didn't leave you and levy to fend for yourselves," "well thank you for that," we drove to levy's house and then to school. today i had gym instead of french so that was cool, jenna is in my gym class and i hate to say it but she's such an attention seeker


omfg levy you will never believe jenna

what'd she do this time

she hit mrs rose in
the head with a ball and
then went up to her
and was like hugging her
apologizing all flirty
like calm down, she coaches
he's been hit hard enough that
i'm sure she's fine after being
hit with a volleyball

she's flirting with mrs rose? is
she gay?

she tells everyone she isn't but we all know the truth, nobody flirts with anyone like she does

this bitch

we played kickball in gym and my team was awful, i was one of the best players, which isn't exactly ideal. our electives period is 70 minutes so halfway through gym they switched to baseball so thats where i quit. i worked on my project for history and texted noah.


hey noah!! whats up

hey cece
nothing much, were in the middle of a practice fire drill and istg this is the stupidest shit

yeah, they always are

like i dont even get it, ur telling me we're supposed to stand here and watch our school burn instead of like running away

and staying in organized groups??? i will not be calm if my schools about to explode

literally so true

me and noah talked for a few more minutes and i decided to post a few older pictures of me and levy on instagram

me and noah talked for a few more minutes and i decided to post a few older pictures of me and levy on instagram

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it was only a kiss // noah schnappWhere stories live. Discover now