|82| Not A Particularly Patient Person

413 13 0

- Blood
- Gore
- Violence
- Death threats


The first thing that Aizawa noticed was that the walls were coated in shimmering gold.

The second thing that Aizawa noticed was that it was awfully quiet.

Not that he was complaining, he was glad to have a break from Present Mic's annoying voice.

But it seemed quiet, a little too quiet.

"Ah, Itona, I see you've finished it," Reyna hummed. Aizawa directed his eyes to 'Itona'. He was a short boy who had spiked silver hair which was supported by a large bandanna. His golden eyes pierced the adults as he trotted down, biting down on a chocolate bar before pocketing it.

"Yo," he saluted, arriving at the foot of the stairs.

"Where's the drone?" Reyna questioned. The male blinked once before turning, his eyes glowing slightly as a drone peeked out from the right-hand side of the second-floor staircase, whizzing as it hovered above the ground, humming as it came to a stop in front of the male.

"It's not what I asked for, Itona," the female furrowed her brows, reaching her hand out.

His golden eyes widened as he watched her hand grip the middle of the drone, her hand shaking slightly as she crushed it, the inside of the drone fizzing before falling to the ground, purple sparks emitting from it.

Karma's breath hitched as he gave the servant a side-glance.

He knew just how much drones and other machinery meant to him. He knew just how hard Itona worked on his drones and other prototypes. He knew just how much effort and time Itona put into making prototypes and drones, per request of the Hassakes or per his own request. He knew just how long Itona spent on the drones.

"Itona?" he asked slowly.

"Leave him be, Akabane," Ichiro spoke sharply, the male flinching.

Itona inhaled shakily, clenching his fists as his hair fell over his eyes.

"I'm fine."

His voice was low, and the slight voice-crack that was at the end of his sentence revealed that he was in fact, not, fine.

A red feather floated to the floor, Itona's heart sinking as both adults turned to him with raised eyebrows.

He was in big trouble now.

As Aizawa eyed his trembling figure, it only just occurred to him just how messed-up the Hassake family was.


"Rie needs to be here," he eyed the said girl's parents, "all three of you need to be down here to discuss."

"Well, Karma can go and retrieve her, can't he?"

All eyes turned to her personal servant who stiffened, sighing as he obliged, trudging up the stairs as he pursed his lips, stuffing his hands into his pockets.

He dreaded it.

Over the past two weeks, he had been the one to set off all of Rie's bombs.

He had been the one to try and calm her down, to no avail.

He had been the one to try and reason with her, to no avail.

Rie was a bomb that nobody wished to set off.

And yet Karma took it upon himself to be there for her - or, at least, try to.

He knocked on the door thrice.

No response came, then-

"Who is it?"

"It's... me," he hesitated, "Karma."


Karma's heart thudded violently against his chest as he anticipated her answer.

"What is it?" she finally spoke.

"Your..." he cleared his throat, "you have a visitor... and..."

Why was his voice trembling?

"Your parents... want to see you in the dining room."

He had never heard his own voice so quiet.

Footsteps echoed through the corridor, the male's breath hitching as he heard a 'no' from behind the door. He swallowed, eying the three adults who neared him; he quickly stepped aside, coughing into his fist.

"She's not coming out, sir," he muttered.

The Erasure Hero didn't like the silence that had fallen upon them.

Ichiro hummed, eying Karma who raised a brow, his eyes widening as he was grabbed at the back of his throat, letting out a sharp gasp as he was roughly pulled into the Ichiro's chest. His breathing quickened, his heartbeat struggling to stay steady as he felt a gun push against his skull, a blade dangerously close to his neck.

"Rie. You are in there, correct?"

A small 'yes, sir' came from the other side of the door.

"If you don't exit your room in one minute, the boy dies."

Aizawa let out a low snarl, loosening his scarf and readying his Quirk as he heard shuffling from behind the door, the door creaking open slightly.

"Ah, I changed my mind," Ichiro hummed.

The silence was interrupted by a harsh BANG! that resonated through the corridor.

Aizawa's eyes widened as the servant hissed in pain, stumbling back as he gripped his arm, drawing it back to reveal that it was coated with a warm, crimson liquid.

"You..." Rie murmured quietly, her eyes slightly wide at the male's bullet wound. She gazed up to meet her mother's gleaming eyes.

"You took far too long, my dear."

She gazed past her mother to see Aizawa's shocked frame; he had deactivated his Quirk, gazing at the female.

"Eraser Head," she stated after some silence.


Ah, shit.

"Stachel?" hummed Reyna, eyeing the female who shifted uncomfortably, "who's that?"

"Nobody," she stated hurriedly, eying Karma who groaned, sitting up as he glared at her parents, "is... Karma-"

"Ah," her mother spoke, "remind me what the rule is."

She shut her mouth.

"Now then..."

Her father smiled, clasping his hands together as her mother slung an arm around her shoulders.

"Why don't we talk over some dinner?"

They eyed the Hero.

He nodded stiffly.

Aizawa wasn't a particularly patient person.

It was a well-known fact to his friends, colleagues, fellow Heroes, and students.

And it would be well-known in the Hassake family.

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