|50| Training Bloodlust and Weapons

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"Morning, everyone." The teenagers in front of him struggled to stay awake, the boys still unnerved about Rie's sudden method of awakening them. Aizawa chose to ignore their lethargic attitude, continuing. "Today, the real Training Camp begins. Ideally, you will all emerge stronger, strong enough to acquire your Provisional Licenses."

Upon hearing the last two words, the students straightened up, slightly more awake.

"More specifically... I'm sure I don't need to tell you..." his eyes lingered on Rie, "there are growing hostile forces out there. Through this, you'll be prepared to face it so stay sharp and work hard." His black eyes left Rie as she let out a breath she didn't know she was holding, unaware of Kirishima's uneasy gaze on her. "To start... Bakugo, try throwing this."

The said ash-blonde did a double-take upon seeing the same baseball as the strength trials being thrust his way, noting this aloud.

"Last time, right after school started, your record was 705.2 metres... let's see how much you've grown since then," he instructed before trudging to the side, "you know what to do."

The boy walked forward after some silence hung around the students, swinging his arm around as his classmates cheered him on. A displeased frown formed on the assassin's face as she stole a glance at their homeroom teacher. He's got something in mind... it's like he knows something we don't. But what?

"Go to hell!" he roared, thrusting the ball into the air and the class watched as his Explosion sparks continued crackling around his right hand. He gazed back at the Erasure Hero, waiting for the answer. The said man merely stared at his device for a moment longer before revealing it to the class.

"709.6 metres."

The class burst into an uproar.


"It's not that much farther than before!"

"Is Bakugo really weak, or what?"

"Did he get weaker?"

"If he got weaker, wouldn't the distance be less?"

The man smirked upon seeing his far from happy students begin protesting and coming up with theories.

"It's no doubt that you lot have been through a lot through these past three months... undoubtedly, you've all grown," he came to a stop in front of Bakugo who merely glared at him, "but it's only your techniques and minds that have matured... well, and your bodies, a bit," he added after an afterthought. "But as you've all just seen... your Quirks haven't kept up with the pace. Starting today, you'll... improve on your Quirks."

His eyes lingered on the fading Explosion in the boy's hand. The students' breaths hitched upon hearing his next sentence.

"This'll be so harsh that you'll wish you were dead... so do your best to stay alive."


"No buts," he interjected, instructing the class to line up, "I'll hand you a slip of paper with your instructions. Everybody's is different; if you have any questions, ask any of the Pussycats or myself."

The girl stood in the middle of the line, waiting.

"Rie, here's your task. Go to Pixie Bob for more information, she'll explain it further."

She nodded, gazing down at the slip of paper that she had received.

Task: Controlling bloodlust + summoning weapons with little-no breaks in between
How: Pixie-Bob will instruct you and be your supervisor.

She furrowed her brows at the last ominous statement, turning back to ask Aizawa where Pixie-Bob would be only to find him handing the next students their own tasks.

Don't tell me I need to-

"Yes, Rie, you need to find her on your own," he stated, sparing her a slight glance as she sent him a deadpan expression, sighing.


"U-uh, w-wait, hang on-" she began, stammering and faltering as Pixie-Bob flashed her a cheeky grin, slamming her hands on the ground to form her infamous Earth Beasts, "w-wait, Pixie-Bob, what am I-"

"First, we'll work on summoning weapons with little to no breaks in between, then we'll work on controlling your bloodlust!" she yelled over the wind, the assassin staring at the Beast with a slightly sceptical expression, "this'll also be a workout for me since both of our Quirks drain stamina! Go, Rie!"

"Wait, so do I just-"

"Fight them!" She groaned, summoning a bow and arrow - suddenly realising that this was one of the weapons that she used the least, aiming it towards the Beast, shooting it and staring at the female who continued summoning them. She groaned, deactivating her Quirk and summoning her sword, continuing to slash the Beasts, one by one.

Rie wasn't sure how much time had passed, but at one point she passed out.

Pixie-Bob didn't hesitate to rush to her side, quickly helping her up and leaning her against a tree trunk with a concerned expression.


"I-huh?" she slowly came to, holding a hand to her head as she hissed in pain, clutching her side. She furrowed her brows as the Pro Hero drew her attention away from the wound and towards her. "What happened?"

"You passed out," came her blank response, "but this is why we're working on this!"

"You're... too loud," she whispered.

"Oh, sorry," she dropped her voice down to a whisper, "is this alright?"

"Yeah..." her voice sounded distant, "it's too bright..."

Pixie blinked once, then again.

"We're in the middle of a forest..."

"I... think I have a migraine..." she murmured. Almost instantly, the blonde's face fell as she helped the student stand. She did so, her legs shaking slightly. She felt bile rise up in her throat as she breathed in shakily.

"No point in overworking yourself, is there?" she hummed quietly, making sure not to overload the girl, "I'll tell Aizawa, I'm sure he'll understand."

Rie didn't speak the entire way, quietly hoping that she could rest until her migraine ceased.

But it seemed this camp had a very different plan in mind.

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