Chapter 11

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Marinette pov

When the teacher finally arrived four minutes later we followed him in class and took place in our new seats.

Luka, me and kagami were in one row and Marc, Chloe, Nathaniel were by in the third row. I knew that everyone in class were still stealing glances at us but we all choose to keep our heads straigth amd listen to what the teacher expained for the year ahead but i couldn't help but sense that someone else in class was not just staring at me but he was studying me.

Just as class had ended i packed up my stuff and made a quick exit but not before stealing a glance at the faces of my classmates. Trying to figure out who the mystery glancer was but all i caugth was green eyes before the person dispeared in the crowd. I had seen those eyes before. It's not like Adrien's eyes. This eyes held more of coldness inside inside.

The next class was math and finally got to see who the mystery glancer was. A tall ravenette boy who i seem to remeber from somewhere because he is one of the Wayne boys. He must be an observant one i will have to try and avoid him. Through out the whole class I could feel him staring at me and when i looked back at him. He didn't even bother to look away he just stared into my eyes and gave me a cold glare that i guess was suppose to strike fear in me or maybe just scare me off but all i did in return was stare back a little longer then turn my head to the front of the class to countinue with the lesson.

While i was walking in the halls i knew he was trying to keep up with me so i just acted clueless and wandered to my next class. Which i found kind off funny to be honest it was like playing cat and mouse to me except i am not a mouse i am Lady bug and he is Robin.

Damien pov

In each of their files it shows that each of them had internships under some one famous in Paris and New York. Luka Couffaine is a known musician with Jagged Stone. Marc Anciel and Nathaniel Kurtzberg are comic writters who intern under Dweb Comicon. The Bourgeois girl is an activist girl. Kagami Tusragi is a martial arts girl and lastly the girl whose eyes i can't get out my head name is Marinette Stone Nigthingale. She is adopted by rockstar Jagged Stone along side dancer Calara Nigthingale. It says here she a designer but not what fashione line she is in or she works for.

There are defiantly the group from Italy last year. I don't plan on telling father just yet though. I will find out more about them myself first. Starting with the bluenette with ice blue eyes.

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