Chapter 21

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Monday in the school cafeteria

Marinette pov

Chloe: so let me get this straigth you two would rather be sparing then go shopping with me!

Luka and Kagami: yes!

Chloe: what? How? why?!

Kagami: because our closets are over flowing as it is from all your previous shopping spreme's.

Luka: yup, exactly my stuff are still in shopping bags because i can't find any space to put in my wardrobe.

Chloe pouts a bit then releases a
huffs  and turns to talk to Marinette: so where are you going later today after school?

Marinette: to work on my history project with my assigned partner.

Marc: that sounds like fun.

Nathaniel: anyone we know.

Marinette: yup he is the Robin boy in our math class.

Kagami: stalker boy?

Marinette: yup, thats the one.

Chloe: huh. Good luck to you then.

Luka: his melody is tragic but also a sense of calm.

Marinette: he is not that bad actually once you get to know him a bit.

Chloe: well i am not looking foward to meeting him again he called me a brat the last time i spoke to him.

Marinette whispers softly to the rest: can't argue with him there.

Chloe: hey! I heard that!

Laugther errupts from the table at this.

Later that day. When the last bell rings signalling schools out. 

Marinette: so we taking my car rigth.

Damien: yes i told Alfered i will be travelling with you today.

Marinette: okay, here are the keys then.

Damien: your letting me drive your car.

Marinette: yes why?

Damien: just confirmation.

Marinette: uhuh.

Damien: by the way that stinky sock bug flew and hid it self in my coat on Friday. When i visted your place.

Marinette: what?! Plagg! Where is he? Why would he? I... I don't beli... Plagg!!!

No answer

Damien: he is rummaging inside my bag. Probably eating through all that awful cheese.

Plagg: hayyy! Don't pick on my cheese it's my one true love.

Marinette: Plagg! What were you thinking sneaking of like that. I thought you were eating through your stock of Cambert at home. Not hanging around Damien and bugging him!

Plagg: yeah yeah yeah. I know i am the kwarmi of destruction and i need to be more carrful.

Marinette: especially since you don't have a holder anymore.

Plagg: well about that... I kind of have a new chosen.

Marinette: what?! Who?

Plagg: Demon boy here

Marinette: Damien?

Plagg: uhuh

Marinette: but i thougth you only had one chosen holder for the duration till a next apperars a century later. I... I

Damien: by the way can i toss him in a jar of soap to get rid of some that odour on him.

Plagg: hay!

Marinette: it won't help. I even tried perfume on him. It still didn't work.

Plagg: you two do realize i am rigth here!

Tikki of course giggles to words being said of her fellow kwarmi.

Plagg: sugar cubes help me out here.

Tikki: stop calling me that and i can't help you when they speak the truth.

Plagg: hayyy

Later entering Damien's room.

(Marinette thougths. Hmmm his room neat and oderly. No personal touch at all as if it was a hotel room.)

Marinette: okay, were do begin with the project.

Damien: have you finished your side of the list of topic ideas yet?

Marinette: yup.

Damien: then let's start from there chose a topic we can both agree on and divide the project half and half. That way when we hand it in. We can provide eveidence of individual work that we put to together ourselves.

Marinette: that's okay with me.

Damien: let's begin.

One and a half hour later they are finished with the introductions to their project and Marinette was packing to leave. When they both hear a loud bang from down below, they look to each other than the door and that's when they see.....

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