Chapter 12

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Marinette pov

I am not a fan of the current Robin. He has skill i must admint but his suit is awful. It looks like a traffuc light cone. The colour scheme is horrible and to brigth. The cape just makes it worse.

As for his civilian form Damien Wayne is my new personal stalker.  He follwed me to all my classeses today. Even though we had all the same classes expect business and fashion that was the one class i could avoid his Mystic green eyes staring at me. He always sat behind me in the back studying my movements. Always out of my line of sigth on purpose.

At lunch though i never saw him anywhere. At the end of the day i just slipped a note into his locker.

Damien pov

As he reads the note Marinette slipped in his locker

If i am so interesting
To you why not ask
for my number instead
of stalking me
mystic boy


Damn she's good. I will give her that. She can slip away nicely all the time. Definatly some one of interest now. I will have to check more on her with the bat computer and hopefully find where she and her gang are staying as well.

For now Alferd waiting for me in the limo.

Marinette pov

I don't think i am going to tell the rest about my new birdy stalker yet. Let's have some fun first. He really is a mysterious boy. His eyes it holds so much in them that it's hard not to get lost in them.

Now i just have to rush home and update my journals and fed a black cat kwarmi. Who has already eaten through two wheels of stinky cheese cambert. Damn Plagg has an over sized black in his stomach that never to get filled. I should nickname him greedy because the amount he eats.

Damien pov

This girl with ice blue eyes she is deffinetly something. I have been over every piece of information i can find on her from her time in Paris to her time here in Gotham City. There is no mention of her real parenys or any biological links to her family that i have been able to find in any of her files. It's like her life had a wipe over or got erased and changed into who she is now. Her friends are the same each one with legal gurdians but no signs of biological parents.

I can find a whole load of information on them but still end up no closer to actually knowing any of them.

At that musuem heist last year i know each of them where there but the one with midnigth hair theres just something about her. The whole time i had my eyes on her in class she seemed relaxed even i glared at her she didn't back away or cower in gear she just gave me a soft look and turned her attetion back to the lesson.

It's as if she didn't bother at all with my cold presence. This girl Marinette Stone Nigthingale who ever she is i need to find away to see into her even if it means flocking of during patrol tonigth after all i already have her address down. All i have to do is remove the tracking devices in my suit so no one else can follow me and keep to the shadows.

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