Chapter 26

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Marinette pov

Marinette: so your family wants me to come over and have dinner with them.

Damien: yes

Marinette: is this about the phone call earlier?

Damien: yes, I assume so as well. If that bird brain didn't pick up my phone maybe we could of avoided this. If you don't want to its fine.

Marinette: no, no, no I am just kind of shocked. I mean why are they inviting me to sit and have dinner with you guys after me calling you once?

Damien: Richard may of also mentioned seeing you before as well and my other guess is that they all probably want to have fun picking on me and embarassing me through out the dinner service.

Marinette: (Giggles) well that sounds very entertaining.

Damien: tt, it maybe a lot of fun to the rest but to me it is just another reason to keep them on my target list.

Marinette: hmm, am I on that list as well?

Damien: no of course not Habitti. I hadn't even... I mean I took you off that list a while ago. I don't see you to be the type to even hurt a spider much less an ant.

Marinette: oh really, you wanna challenge me on that. We have a training room here in the manor.

Damien: I won't mind at all

Training room.

Marinette: how many rounds two, three or maybe five?

Damien: three will have to do for now. Don't want you to tire out before the dinner now do we.

Marinette: I suppose not. Just so you know I am not going easy on you and I won't expect you to go easy me either.

Damien: very well

So the for the first round they circled around waiting for the other to make the first move. Then eventually stepped forward and Marinette folded him to his chest and knees getting the upper hand on him. Damien's attempt to hold on longer failed and he tapped out revealing Marinette to score the first round.

The second time Marinette attacked first in attempt to fall on his back and tap out but he easy picked her over turn her back to his back capturing her arms in a grip with his and locking it in position he also made sure to tangle her feet into a fall out position of no movement. Giving Damien to win the second round.

The third round they both just kept eye contact and then attacked together at once both going over many attempts to bring the other down. Eventually they both had lost there footing or maybe just one of them lost there footing and the other chosing to be the soft landing. Marinette landed on Damien and Damien held a firm grip to Marinette waist as she lay on top of them. Both of them lay with a tint of red blush to their cheeks. Neither one made a move to separate though they just stayed like that in that same position.

Marinette realised first and apologized with the stutter and trip over her words of course and all Damien could do was stare at the wall and mutter an apology too.

Damien: your Kombat skills are quite good, not bad at all.

Marinette: hmp, but I still see no reason to hurt a innocent spider or fly.

Damien: hmm, true it appears to be.

A while had passed and neither of them could say anything to the other chosing not to move forward either that is until Marinette phone rang to an alert and she had begun to check it. Though when she had layed eyes on the screen and the message her face dropped off any positive emotion. She said nothing as she left the room as well. Damien was tempted to go after her but it seemed that she wanted to be left alone and space so he said his good byes to Tikki and left a note Marinette on the counter.

As he left the building all he could think about is what could that message contain to makee mood change in such a way as it did. Seeing as too he would see her again later he plans to ask her about it then.

Marinette pov

I can't believe it that brat found out a way to get to me again. He is such a pain. He cheats on me with that snake and he blaims me for this relationship ending. To think I loved that guy once before. How did he gety number to get in contact with me.

Sigh, I can't do this right now I have to get ready for dinner with Damien's family. The Wayne's! I have to have dinner with the Wayne's in five hours time. Now most girls would freak out about what to wear well... I am like most girls because right I am racing through my closet looking for an outfit to wear.

“Ugh I have absolutely nothing to wear ! Ohhh no I am turning into Chloe (gasp)” Marinette says

“ breath, just breathe. Okay I have wardrobe full of clothes perfect for any occasion. Phew! I am not turning into Chloe I am saved”

Hey guys sorry for the late update. I was having a bit of writer's block.

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