Chapter 16

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“okay class, for todays assigment for the next two months i want you to research the histories of our very own Gotham city amd for this assigment you will be paired with some one in groups of two.” the history teachers calls out on his students placing them in groups.

James and Gwen

Derek and Lilian

Fakhir and Tj

Sam and Daina

Damien and Marinette

The list goes on...

Damien pov

Great so much for staying disatant and gathering information on her and her associates.

Marinette pov

Well atleast now birdie boy can't avoid me. I was honestly starting to get annoyed with his odd behaviour. He would stare at me continuously all through out the school day. Even people in our classes noticed and started to brag about in school. He must of heard a few if the rumours by now but he still chooses to watch my every movement as if i would give something up that he could use on me.

I got up from my seat when our history teacher told us to head to our partners and discuss our options on our projects. Instead of going to sit by him i walked out of the class, went to my locker placed my textbooks inside and held onto my history books. I walked out of school knowing well and sure he was following me. I went to my car and started my engine drove the front and told him to get in.

He looked at me with a blank expression for a while but eventually got into the car.

As i drove of i spoke up “ we have lunch next so why don't we go get something to eat and work on the project for awhile. Also instead of us always being tense to one another lets try and put stop differences asude so we get a good score on this assigment.”

He didn't reply just sat in silence. When they were a few miles from school he began to speak. “Who are you?”

“Marinette Nigthingale Stone” mari says.

Damien: you know what i mean. Don't play games with me. Who are you really?

Marinette: (sighs) you are no fun. Fine, i was formally known as Marinette Dupen Cheng. I was born in Paris i lived their my whole life untill an incedent that took place a few years back that made me leave home.

Damein: why change your name?

Marinette: because the old Marinette Dupen Cheng is dead.

He didn't ask anymore questions after that and they both stayed in comfortable silence till they got to a Breaky Cafe.

Damien pov

They placed their orders and began to work on their project. Discusing over numerous options as they searched for information on their phones. Writing down suitable topics in a notebook. They worked suprisingly well not needing to talk to much just sitting in a comfortable presence of one another.

When they had a few minutes left till lunch break was over they packed up and left. When they did get back into school they walked together for a while untill they broke of to head to their seperate lockers. Damien walking away with sligth level of calm now knowing a little bit more about the mystery blunette and her past. He felt a need to know more about her but decided to let himself associate with her. Instead of going home to the batcave to research her more with her real name now known.

When he got back to the manor he just went to his room and layed there a while petting Titus his Great Dane. He let his mind wander to her what if he....

He brushed the thougth of quickly before finishing and went on to finish his homework. Going through his bag, he notices the notebook him and Marinette had been writting in and begins to look at the writting her writing and stroke over it thinking what if?

Marinette pov

“so where were you lunch time. You were'nt at the caferteria and we did'nt see you around school campus” Chloe asks as the group settle down in the lounge back home.

“ohh i was working on a project with a fellow student in my history class. It was a group assingment nothing much” Marinette replies.

“We were worried about you, that's all” Marco says

Marinette: i know thanks for looking out for me guys.

Luka: thats we do Marinette. We look out for each other.

Nathaniel: like family

Marinette: we are a family. Together all of us here we are a family.

Chloe: she's rigth. A big Teen fam! Ohh i love the sound of that.

Marinette: we don't ( Marinette coughs out)

The others agree with cough out of yes and definatly no go but Chloe hears all this and starts throwing pillows at everyone and this just forms out a all out pillow figth with all of them laughing and having fun together. This is something they could never do in Paris though in the eyes those around them. Here and now though in this home of theirs they find freedom and strength in one another like the family they are with each other.

All the kwarmi's floating around giggling as they watch holders playfully attack each other with banters tossing around alongside pillows.

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