Chapter 19

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Damien pov

Guess i will just use the front door this time instead of heading to her balcony.

After i ring the door bell she buzzed me in. She already had the front gates opened for me when i arrived. I entered the house to see that it was well kept for a bunch of fellow teenagers living here. It had a black tiled floor to the main enterance and in the other rooms i could see from a disatance were covered in velvet carpet and more tiles. I heard a voice from a distant calling out saying to head over in their direction so i followed fully knowing it was Marinette's voice.

When i found her she was in the kitchen with a small Walka tv in front of her as she sat on one of the island stools. She gestured for me to join her in the seat next to her.

As i did so i replied with lemon.

She gave me a mischievious look amd said “ i guessed so bit just incase i made a whole row of each flavour. I placed then in trays as i put them away in sealed containers for you to take back home for the others. Do tell if they enjoyed it or not?

At this Damien was sligthy confused and opened his mouth to ask but heard a ding from the oven go off and she rushed to open the oven door quickly. Just as she did the entire kitchen was fulled with the smell of baked pastries. As the smell hit his nose his mouth waters up a bit. As soon as the trays of baked goods were layed on the counter you could smell as the room fulled up more with the sweet smell of berries and vanilla.

Damien: what are those?

Marinette: Macaroons.

Damien: they smell good.

Marinette: wait till you try one of them. They still need to cool down a bit.

Damien just nods his head in a show of understandment.

Marinette: so sincing you are here let's continue our earlier discusion. My team and i agreed to let you in on our side of information for our league sincing we already know so much about yours. We see no harm to it.

Damien: Agreeable terms. What league do you belong to?

Marinette: The Order of the gurdians.

Damien: i thougth they were all gone . Missing for over two hundred years now.

Marinette: yes that's true the were stuck in a moth creation. Where time was stopped for them trapped in. Five years ago i freed them from their entrampent with the help of my partner fomerly known as Chat noir.

He could see the pain in her eyes as she mentioned the name of her former partner.

Marinette: Chat noir and i we use figth against a villian known as Hawkmoth. He use to feed of the citizen's of Paris powerful negative emotiond. For example a child having a nigthmare or being heart broken. This went on for almost five years for us figthing against Hawkmoth and trying to take him out and before you say anything about international reports. No one knew from outside of Paris for numerous reason.

1.being that we had a corrupt mayor who didn't Paris to be known for danger.

2. My powers restored all damage after the attacks.

3. If the world found out about my powers. They my try to exploit it and use it for personal gain.

Damien: what are your powers exactly? If i may ask?

Marinette: our Miraculous are jewels that hold power. The ring of the black cat. Is the power of distruction and darkness. Mines is the earings. The power of creation, luck and ligth. Our powers come from minature versions of gods of all sorts.

My kwarmis name is Tikki. If you want you can meet her some other time because rigth now she kind of in a happy zone with the others so let her be.

Damien: everyone in your group has a miraculous?

Marinette: yes, you already saw us in Italy and you probably already know our superhero identities we go by.

Damien: not really, i only saw a few captured glimpses of your team on security camera's that Tim could pull up in computer.

Marinette: ohhhhh, so why did you take so much interest in me alone?

Damien: your eyes, it's been stuck in my thougths. Everytime i see your damn bluebell eyes. Not just that your while team at the Muesum the skill, the team work, the bond was so visible that nigth. The rest brushed it off but i just couldn't.

Marinette: oddly enough it's the same for me. Your eyes, i see it everytime i am lost in my own thougths or even i just close my eyes for a minute or two. I see you mystic green eyes.

As they utter these last to each other they get lost in one another gaze. Just looking into each other's eyes.

Mystic green meets ice blue or shell i say Electric blue because their is now a warm spark arising within Marinette and it's all due to collapsing walls. Walls that only Damien Wayne can break just as Marinette Nigthingale Stone is breaking down his walls as they stare into each others eyes. Seeing through one another seeing each other through a faithful bond. A bond of two sides ligth and darkness.

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