Chapter 22

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Damien: John, what did i say about you barging into my room. Did your parents forget to raise you with proper manners or is your brain more faulty then it normally is.

John: aww, i missed you too my best friend, my pal, my buddy, my man

Marinette: giggles as she continues to pack her stuff away.

John: oh and who is this princess.

Damien: tt, none of your business Kent.

John ignores him and walks up to Marinette and hugs her saying "sorry for you having to put up your time with the devil over there. Don't mimd hime and his meany ways. He is just a troubled stuff teddy who needs a little love to melt his ice cold heart."

Damien: ttt, you know i am still in the room and i can hear you rigth, so stop talking nonsense and leave her alone.

John: see he is just an icey meany bear. Any way my name John Kent nice to meet you.

Marinette: hello John, my name is Marinette. It's nice to be acquainted with you as well and i most certainly don't mind Damien cold ways. It is rather refreshing to have some one do straigth foward speack to ne. Instead of beating around the bushes or straying of a train line. Now if both you boys will excuse me i must take my leave. I do have to return home as i do have sparing time with both Kagami and Chloe in forty five minutes from now.

John: oh wait let's exchange numbers. You may be able to help us out with melting Demon Spawn cold heart here.

Marinette: sure.

After the exchange of contact details and another quick goodbye John turns to Damien and says " where have you been hiding that angel. She is so sweet and polite. She carries herself out such elegance"

Damien: tt, what do know about politeness. You can't even knock on a door before entering.

John: oh hush i know you missed me. I missed you too buddy.

Damien: why are you here? You are not scheduled to come by and visit.

John: can't a friend just stop by to see his favourite buddy?

Damien: you mean break in and intrude on then the answer is no.

John: (sighs> well i just have to spill the beans. Weee!

Damien: stop sqeuling like a little girl Kent!

John: ohhh! i am so excited to stay this to you!

Damien just stares at him with an emotionless expression.

John: ohhhhhh! I am coming to stay in Gotham for the rest of the year. Isn't that so awesome. We get to spend more time together.

Damien: no it sounds terrifying. The whole house will have to be baby proofed if you are staying here.

John: oh, oh, ohhhhh! I am also going to be going to your school. Weee! Oh we gonna have so much fun together Damien!

Damien: i will be sure to carry earplugs and extra Kryptonite with me now.

John: Dami...

Marinette pov

Tikki: well that went well.

Marinette: did you know Plagg was going to chose Damien as his new holder?

Tikki: no, not at all but it does make sense why he would. The bond is strong between you two i can feel it so clearly.

Marinette: i get that he is one of the bat boys but can we really trust him. After what happened the last time i am to sure.

Tikki: it's alrigth Marinette to have doubt but i know Plagg and he may be a bit annyi g at times but he never wrong when it comes to a chosen one to be his holder. It's only when a gurdian chose's for him he does not say anything but he always knows if the connection is true or he is just being uses. It has happened many times but he always feels it just like i feel the connection with you. Trust in Plagg he knows his way and rigth now that's with the Robin boy.

Marinette: ohh alrigth

Later that nigth while the bat boys are on patrol. Robin sneaks of to avoid Superboy aka John who is a litral chatter box and was paired up with Damien for patrol.

Robin wanting to get out of there fast and avoid alerting his family of his where abouts he switches off his suits tracking device and keeps coms link on to observe the rest while he heads of to a certain blunette's direction.

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