Chapter 24

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Lunch break in the cafeteria.

Damien pov.

Of course Marinette would get along with Kent as if they had known each other their whole lives. Honestly there is not single moment of silence with them. They haven't stop talking with each other except when Marinette avoid question of Paris classes and the kids at her old skill. I can tell Kent notice this too because he avoids futher questions on the topic and asks about other things.

As we are walking to a table i notice Marinette comes in between me and Kent pulling us to a different direction before i could speak a word in i notice the direction she's pulling us towards. Ohh just great she is gonna make us sit her freinds. As i try to pull away and out of her grasp on me i see it is piontless. Well because she just a tad bit to strong especially to way she wraped her arm in mines in a grid lock form preventing any form of escape for me.

Marinette: hey guys, i want you to meet John, he is going to be schooling her at Gotham Academy for awhile and well he loves French people aka new people. He is truly a social butterfly you have to meet him.

John blushes at her comment.

John: uhh hey, i mean hello ohh and nice to see yiu again Chloe.

Nathaniel: wait you know each other.

Chloe: we met earlier on.

John: our lockers are next to one another so i just introduced myself and we kind of hit of on talking to each other.

Marinette: oh and this is Damien. My project partner for that assignment i was talking about. 

Damien just grunts in reply and begins to pull away again only to have Marinette ask both boys to join them for lunch and John immediately agree and hopped into the seat directly opposite Chloe.

John: so Chloe, nice to see we meet again.

Chloe: mmhmp

John: whats your favourite colour?

Chloe: why you asking me that?

John: to get to know you're better off course.

Chloe: ohh, okay uhm i guess it's... Well it use to be black and yellow but now it's blue, light blue.

John: why light blue?

Chloe: uhh, it-it-it just is

Marinette: i thougth your favourite colour was yel...

Chloe: it's changed okay!

Marinette: ohhh, i here you. (gives Chloe a knowing look)

Damien: tt, why am i here.

Marinette: to eat, now sit!

Damien just huffs and sits beside Marinette and remains silent through lunch even though he occasionally sneaks a look towards Marinette everytime she laughed at something said by members at the table.

Later that same day. Instead of Alfred picking up Damien as usual Grayson is parked outside waiting for him.

Damien: Why are you here Grayson? Where is Alfred? 

Grayson: Hello to you to Demon spawn. Alfred is online are at the moment (meaning on the bat computer helping out on a mission) he has asked me to come pick you up. 

Marinette: Hey Damien? Can we finish up the final touches the assignment tomorrow at my place or yours... (see's Richard on his bike talking to Damien) Oh sorry I didn't notice you were busy ohm I guess I will text you later then sorry (walks off but is interrupted by some one calling her)

Richard: Hold up! Who is this blueberry here?

Damien: Tt, Marinette save yourself from talking to this idiot and carry on walking.

Marinette: Sighs, you said the same thing about Kent and he a bouncing ray of sunshine. (looks to Richard and lays a hand out to shake then says) The name is Marinette Dupien... sorry Marinette Nightingale Stone. 

Richard shakes her hand twitches his eyes a bit at her slip up a bit confused but says nothing about it "Hello there Marinette. My name is Richard but everyone just calls me Dick. So... How do you Damien?"

Marinette: He is my partner for a history project and he had also allowed me to drag him and lunch with my friends today ( Smirks directly at Damien as he glares holes into her but she just returns to smiling at Richard)

Richard shocked at the scene at front just says to Marinette in a whisper "if you need a fast get away blink twice" Marinette just chuckles and says "oh it's no worries Damien a complete soft wall with whenever I am around. It is sort a mutual agreement between us. Now if you boys excuse me I have to take my leave. Bye Damien, bye Richard nice to meet you and to know that you not an idiot like Damien claims you to be."

Richard waves back and Damien just sulks and says "tt, see you soon Stone ".

Marinette sighs "it's Marinette! Damien no one like to be called by their last names by their fellow peers !" and that being said she walked to her team and they all got into their cars and drove off. 

Richard: She is nice. It is also good to see you making friends Damian. 

Damien: Tt, just drive Grayson, sooner we are back at the manor the better.

Richard: So you don't deny it. She is your friend. 

Damien: She is a partner that's all. Now drive or I will.

Richard: Okay, one more question. Who am I to you?

Damien: An unavoidable irritation.

Hey guys! Sorry the late update. I have been busy lately. Hope you enjoy the new chapter. If you have any ideas for the next chapter leave a comment bye.   

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