Chapter 14

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Marinette pov

Plagg looks like he is coming back to normal a bit. Tikki and him had a long talk the nigth before but i am not sure what about. I didn't want to seem pushy so i let them be. Chloe insisted we spend our free period before lunch at the mall but i just didn't feel like being dragged around to different clothing and make up stores so i only told them that i had something else to wrap up and that i would join them after i was done.

To be honest i just wanted to be by myself. Since the incident in Paris where my whole life fell apart before my eyes i have'nt been the same. I know everyone else is just trying to help me move on but sometimes i just want to be left alone for a bit to myself. After Adrien broke up with me or more like shattered my heart i promised to not let myself fall for anything like that again. To never be broken down so lowly. Since then i have not opened up to anyone so heartly I always keep my bariers up.

I let myself flow out with Chloe, Kagmi, Luka, Nathaniel and Marc but i never let myself open up to much. I guess and old part of died down in Paris before i left or more like got destroyed with all the betrayal from my once before loved one.

I admit it hurt when everyone turned away from me and began to break me down piece by piece but after a while i had picked myself back up again and built higher walls around myself to prevent myself from getting hurt again but lately here in Gotham i felt the need to keep my walls up more. Like someone is going to come and break these walls i have built and consume me whole.

For that i fear i may never be able to fix myself up again.

At school same day

Damien pov

I knew i would see her again today. From the moment i woke up this morning i have been going threw different stratergies on how to deal with this situation. She obvilousy knows more then she's letting out. I just don't how to approach her after last nigth without her trigoring somethimg else inside me. I made a vow to keep my walls up and that exactly what i will do.

On my way into school my phone rings. When i look to see who is calling i see it's Timothy groaning i answer the call.

Damien: what do you want you dingbat?

Tim: that's a bit harsh to say to one of your favourite brothers, Demon Spawn.

Damien: you happen to be one of the many people i actually have on my kill list rigth in the top five. The moment father removes the no killing rule i will me going after you and Jason with my Kenata.

Timothy: okay, okay, keep it in killer pants. I haven't had enough coffee yet in my life to die yet. (slurp on his coffe while on the otherside of the phone)

Damien: tt, why are you calling me. Is their a mission require me to for fill.

Timothy: No, no, no father wants to know where you were last nigth. Your suit traking devices were off and i couldn't turn them back on.

Damien: i was out on a late nigth patrol.

Timothy: oh okay, i will be sure to tell father after another cup of coffe. Nigth Femon Spawn.

Damien: it's morning you dingbat but he recieved no answer Timothy must of been out cold and being dragged back to his bedroom by Alfred because their was shuffling on the other end of the phone and a loud thump. Then not shortly after Alfred vioce said “Oh dear lord, master Tim you have gotten bigger over the passing months”

Damien hangs up. Then looks up to see a familiar bluenette walking by with a swarm of boys drooling after her. This gave him a sligth pang in the chest but he ignored it and went about his day not even bothering to glance at the blunette girl as she walked into first period.

In chapter 13 and 14 i am trying to show you why the daminette ship is not just gonna sail flawlesy in this book. They have both been heart broken before by some one they truly loved. It has to be a figth to make sure this time they won't let go when they finally accept one another and let their walls fall down.

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