Chapter 15

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Marinette pov

He is blocking me out. Now that's weird i'd expect Robin boy to try and get answers out of me but he is just ignoring me. I guess i will just have to leave it then. I didn't really want him to notice us anyway. We can leave it as an untaken stone. After all Justice League and Miraculous serve to different purposes. Justice to save this world from all it's villians and Miraculous to restore and mantain balance with the miraculous. My team also has to Purify this world of it's darkness as the justice figths it of to keep earth safe.

The rest of the day went by with Damien and Marinette avoiding each other. Damien keeping to his cold self and Marinette keepong to her group of friends. The two had gotten use to this exchange behaviour or at least that's how it seemed to eyes of others that didn't really the two.

At the Wayne mansion Damien would takeout his excess emotion on his kombat training punching at punching bags till the sand seped out of it. Praticing with weapon more then usual spaced times. This didn't go unoticed to the rest of the house hold though. The batboys knew better then tk question about this new behaviiur in the Demon spawn so they kept their fair distance. Bruce assumed it was just him trying to push him self futher that is untill. He noticed how Damien would always pace around it halls muttering words in arabic. Tim recorded his muttering one day and gathered the whole family in the batcave just as Damien had left for patrol.

Tim had managed to transalate a few of Damiens muttered words into

Why why can't i get her image
Out of my head.
Her blue eyes.
Her cold blue eyes.
What is she?
Who is she?
Hoe does she see me?

“Do any of you know who this she is? That Damien is talkimg about” Bruce asks everyone out loud.

In response he get a bunch of confused mutters all leading to nothing. No one knows who this mystery she is and why she is upsetting demon spawn so much.

“Maybe we should ask him” Tim says

“And risk him comimg after us with a kenata. No thanks i will pass. I like to keep my body in one and continue breathing.” Jason says.

“Moniter him. Next time he does this record it and bring it here to translate. I want to know who the girl is with blue eyes is and why she has Damien in such a state.” Bruce says.

“Maybe Demon spawn got himself a crush” Jason says

“i would wager on that being a definite no. Demkn spawn never gonna a girl with this much level. I mean she has got him on a ball of fire mood. Who ever she is. I just hope she can escape demon spawn if he ever comes after her with his kenata.” Dick says.

“whatever you in or out. I bet fifty he is crushing on blue eyes« Jason says.

“ughh fine, i bet fifty he will probably traumatize blue eyes”Dick responds

“Deal” is Jason only response

At Marinette place though things are a bit different she keeps to herself most times but always get distracted with rhe image of a paor of green eyes. The miraculous team has taken a notice to this of course. They asked Marinette whay's troubling her so much but she always gave them the same response. To not worry about. She is fine. You could see it though in her eyes that she had a mystery she couldn't put out so they did their best to pick her spirits up.

Luka playing music with her.
Chloe talking away about fashion.
Marcus and Nathaniel talking to her on sjared opinions for new comics.
Kagami training with her to pass time.

All this though still didn't get the image of those certain pair of green eyes out of her mind.

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