chapter 17

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The bat boys are in training room at Wayne Manor.

Damien pov

“so demon spawn, what's with you? I mean lately you seem lost more in your own mind than actually trying to kill one us when father is'nt around to witness it” Jason asks

“hiss, maybe you should pay more attention to your technique and fighting stance instead of investing time on getting Tim to put camera's in my room to spy on me” Damien responds.

“so you notices those ha. I was waiting to see how you would react to them once found. I mean after all Demon Spawn. We are just looking out for you” Jason says

Damien responds“ your version of caring actually means invasion of privacy and being bad at it”

Jason: privacy huh, of course. Like your such an open person to want privacy. More like always wanting to be alone. Come on brother let me in. We all can see it their is a change in you. This morning ia asked you for a hundred bucks and you just tossed at me like it was nothing. You never did that before you'd always tell to get my own or to string my wallet like a child with do.

Damien: (flips him over) so what if their is a change what will ever make you think i would open up to anyone in this house. (with his last words finally out. He left the room quickly as to avoid anymore prying)

After a few minutes of silence and Jason layed on the ground on shock and partailly in pain since Damien went all out on him in training.

Dick who had been sitting on the side of the room the whole tim watching finally speaks. “so he is colder than we thougth. You pushed button's you shouldn't of pushed. He won't speak to you fir awhile now. You better hope he cools of fast and not comes back to specfically attack you.”

Jason rubs of his shock as if it was nothing and responds “whatever, i will handle this”

Dick: i will be sure to bring flowers to your funeral after he brutally murders you.

Marinette pov

Chloe gone out shopping again and the rest are out racing. I mean i know it's cool that we all have fast cars but do they have to go racing so much during the day.

I just stayed inside with the manor all to myself i stayed in my room drawing up more designs for my list of commisions comming up. My designs as Lady Red. After everything that went downn in Paris i needed something else other than the Order and my friends to kkep me sane, so i started commision for some close friends of my father it started off small. Then it only got bigger my name being known to many. Of course i kept my identity a secret from the world so i released a name to be known as for my designs Lady Red. Of course many have tried to get my identity out or look for me but of course all to avail.

I liked it being able to do something i enjoy and to able to share it with the rest of the world. I had a few clients here in Gotham city so i thougth i would finish up there's now. Gotham may be a city of crime but it truly is amazing. It's inspirational and full of...

Marinette: you know it is a crime to break in and enter someone else house without an invitation.

Damien stays silent.

Marinette: do you wanna work on tje project now.

Damien: no, what are you doing?

Marinette: drawing out plans.

Damien: not what i meant.

Marinette: what do you mean?

Damien: here in Gotham. What are you doing here?

Marinette: living, we are staying here for awhile. Settling for a bit quitness for us to be alone. Away from the outside world and eyes of follwers.

Damien: that's understandable for now. How long will you be here. A year maybe less.

Marinette: It's unsure for us to know when we are to be called on.

Damien: called on by whom?

Marinette: you know i can't answer that, so don't ask.

Damien: how else am i too find any information on you.

Marinette: i don't know.

Damien: what are you drawing?

Marinette: ideas for a new commision

Damien: may i? (he gesture to her sketches on the table and those on the  board.

Marinette: go ahead.

Damien goes over her designs.

Damien: you are good at this.

Marinette: thank you, i am actually doing a design for you as well.

Damien: me? Why?

Marinette: your father requested suits to be made for you boys through my father.

Damien: what?

Marinette: look at the intials on the side of my sketches. It say “LR” meaning.

Damien: Lady Red.

Marinette: yes.

Damien: my brothers have been trying to find out who you really are for months. Going as far as to hack security camera's to find your identity. They always come up with nothing.

Marinette: their fans of my work?

Damien: more like upsesive of your work.

Marinette: (laughs) that's nice to know.

Damien: mmhh

Marinette: by the way who designed your Robin suit?

Damien: someone who works for father, why?

Marinette: it looks ghastly like a traffic ligth cone or an art project that turned into a diaster.

Damien: do you realize who you are insulting.

Marinette: yes, assassin boy

Damien: you are not afraid of me?

Marinette: no

Damien: why?

Marinette: i am just not. I don't why but i feel like i can trust you for some reason as if i have known you from another life.

Damien did not know how to reply to this so he just kept quite till his phone rang and he looked to see who it was. He saw his brother Dick Grayson name on the screen so he picked it up as he moved out onto the balcony.

Dick: Oiy, Demon spawn where are you father has a new mission for us and you are in lead so where ever you are get your ass back here now.

Damien: i will be there in a few (ends the call, looks to Marinette one more time as she says “see you at school and we need to make a plan to work on our History project together.)

Damien just nods as a reply and leaves off as if he was never there.

As this moment was going by with the two Tikki and Plagg watched from a distant.

Tikki: you sure about? Do you really feel the connection. The bound between you and the boy? That he just not like the yoir previous holder?

Plagg: yes Sugarcube, it's him i feel it like i feel hungry for some more Cambert.

Tikki: eww gross. How do you even that smelly thing?

Plagg: hey! Don't judge the appetite os mine.

Tikki Sighs and flies of.

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