Deana's Backstory

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Narrator's POV:
In the year [REDACTED], There lived a girl that lived in a town, she had a simple life.


Ain't that a boring start for a story? The girl also thought about that about her life. Boring. But all that changed with just a small unwanted visit. Let's read it all unfold, shall we?

Deana's POV:

I jolted awake to the sound of my alarm clock, I groaned "Stupid piece of shit" I said as I turned it off and got up. I don't even know the point in even needing to get up, there isn't that many stuff to do. This town was small, I practically did everything that it has to offer. Well, except for dating men, but the men here aren't that decent. I looked at my clock to see it was 8am, I sighed "Right.. work" I groaned as I go to prepare for it.


Once I got myself to look a bit decent, I went out of my apartment, locked it and just I turn around I was tackled in a damn hug.

"Lucy, I told you not to do this every damn Mornin'" I said

"But Deanaaaaa- It's fun doing this!-" They red haired girl said, I slightly pushed her off of me.

"Yeah yeah, ya can do that later after my job" I said

"Finneeeee-" Lucy said with a slight annoyance

I chuckled slightly and kissed her cheek "See ya later, Idiot-"

"See ya, Hun" She said while smiling

-Another Timeskip woo-

I finally finished my shift, It took way too long for it to finish though, it was almost midnight. I didn't bother visiting Lucy's apartment since I'm pretty sure she's asleep by now. I unlocked my apartment door, opened it and went inside. I sighed as I close the door, I went to my couch and Immediately collapsed on it "I wonder why I took that damn job again." I grumbled.

As I was about to grab the remote to the TV, I heard something coming from my room "The Hell?" I said and got up, before I even go inside my room, I grabbed a pocket knife. I slowly walked to my room and opened my door, There I saw a person, stealing some of my stuff. I sneaked up behind them and kicked them in the back of their knees, they fell down and I made sure to grab both of their wrist with one hand "What the hell are ya doing here." I said firmly. They didn't respond, instead the kicked me off, I hit the end of my bed. I smirked a bit. I don't mind a bit of a challenge.

-Timeskip cus' I don't know how to do fight scenes-

I finally pinned the thief down again, They took a lot of hits from me, even from the pocket knife I brought, as for me, he only landed a few hits. Something about their beaten up face and the blood dripping down from the cuts they had just made me feel.... Excited. I haven't felt this excited in a long time... I wanted to feel more of this excitement.

I stared at the thief, then at my pocket knife and I started to snicker a bit "What are you Laughing a–" I cutted them off from finishing that sentence by covering their mouth with the cloth of their own hoodie. "Stay quiet, wouldn't want to wake up anyone now do we?" I said and then plunged my pocket into their throat.

Their muffled screams, their hoodie slowly turning red from their blood, it was just so exciting to me. "This is just exciting! I should start doing this more often" I said as I got off of the thief's lifeless body "But now I have to figure out where to hide this piece of shit." I said while kicking the body, I thought for a bit.

I snapped my fingers "Graveyard." There was a graveyard not far from this apartment building, I started cleaning up the blood and put the body in a trashbag. I looked outside my apartment, no one is awake, good. I picked up the trashbag, went to my car and drove off to the graveyard while the body was in the trunk.

-tiny timeskip-

After burying the body, I looked around if any one was here, still no one. I went back to my car and drove back to my apartment to sleep.

Narrator's POV:

And so Deana continued this spree every night, she'd lure someone to an alleyway, her apartment, any secluded area really, and then she'll kill them either quickly or slowly. The adrenaline she felt while doing this was very satisfying for her, Her life wasn't as boring anymore.

She did this for months, of course the town folk started to noticed the disappearance of residents and decided to stay in their homes at night. That didn't stop her though. She'd sneak into their homes, lock all possible exits and would murder every single one of them. She didn't care if they were children, elderly, etc. She was clearly only doing it for the rush.

The town's population kept decreasing every single day, it was frightening everyone, except for Deana. But she had to pretend so she wouldn't get caught. That would just ruin her fun.

Let's skip forward,
It was now only the apartment building she was living that still had people alive. That will be changing very soon.

Deana's POV:

This building is the only place left that still has victims inside. Might as well finish all of them off. I put on my hoodie, I put my knife in the hoodie's pocket and got out of my apartment. I went to the elevator "Hmm... Might as well finish the top floor first." I went inside the elevator and went up to the top floor (Not the roof Lmao-), I lockpicked the doors one by one, and started to kill them all off quickly but also made sure to stay quiet as possible.

This kept on repeating for every floor, but I didn't mind. The excitement it gives me is all I want.

And then there comes the floor I live on. Now that all the other floors are gone, I can take my sweet time on this one.

Snapping their necks, stabbing them, suffocating them, electrocution, I tried to do every single type of kill I could think of, and it was just E X C I T I N G . Their screams could've sounded a bit better though. Most of them were too short for my liking. But atleast the blood and pain on their faces were satisfying.

And then there's the last room.


I simply just knocked on the door, making it loud enough for Lucy to atleast hear it. I heard shuffling in her room but the door still doesn't open "Lucy, it's me, Deana! Let me in! Quick!" I said making my voice sound panicked and scared. The door opened and quickly pulled me in.

"Deana!! Are you okay?!" Lucy asked, worried written all over her face as she has her hands on my shoulders

"I'm fine, I heard screams from the other rooms on this floor and came to see if you were alright" I said, ain't the best excuse, but it's an excuse that can fool her.

"I heard the screams too, I wanted to go check on you too but I was really scared.." She said, obviously trembling

"Hey hey it's alright" I said as I kissed her forehead, I saw her smile a bit. I smiled back a bit too before tackling her to the ground all of a sudden

"D-Deana?!" Lucy said, panicked. Seeing her face like that was more exciting than the others.

"Lucy. Could you do me a favor?" I said, my tone sounding soft, she didn't respond.

"S C R E A M as loud and as long as you can. Make your screams actually satisfying than the others." I said, now just staring blankly at her

Lucy was petrified and as I raised my knife, she screamed. I smiled and stabbed her in chest two times.

"Thanks for doing the favor, H u n"

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