Neutritale Oc

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Name: Nyla
(Thank chu for the name OwO GalaxyComets556 )


Personality:Chill, Energetic if she wants to, Goofball, Can get really sad if you mention her parents, gets really mad when you hurt her friends

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Chill, Energetic if she wants to, Goofball, Can get really sad if you mention her parents, gets really mad when you hurt her friends

Age: 12

Crush: Neutritale Sans

Head Canon Voice:


- her parents weren't that bad

- Her parents didn't treat her best but at the same time they didn't treat her poorly

- as you can see I was being lazy and decided to just mix up Alisa's and Zilla's design to make her-


- She likes to cover one eye due to her eyes being different colors, she likes them really! She's not hiding it because she doesn't like them

- If her hair is covering her blue eye and the pink eye is showing, that means she's in a good mood

- but if her hair is covering her pink eye and showing the blue eye, that means she's in a bad mood

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