Another MHA of cus' I can't stop-

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Name: Kasumi


Personality:Lazy, competitive when it comes to gaming, calm, smart, sweet, gets extremely focused when she's playing a game

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Lazy, competitive when it comes to gaming, calm, smart, sweet, gets extremely focused when she's playing a game

Crush: Yo Shindo

(I know he's already dating someone but I am ✨ B L I N D ✨ to that relationship-)

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(I know he's already dating someone but I am ✨ B L I N D ✨ to that relationship-)

Character Copy (Or how she likes to call it "Game Reality"-)

This Quirk allows her to copy the powers of any video game character she chooses, as long as she played the game

She can't copy the powers of she hasn't played the actual game yet even if she played the demo of the game, it does not count. It also has a time limit and she can only copy 3 characters for a day. And she can't do immortality powers or like in Undertale "reset"

Head Cannon Voice:


- Her favorite game to play is Undertale (cus' it has a lot of fights and she thinks the powers of the Bosses are really good-)

- She carries around a Nintendo Switch so she can play games

- Her favorite food is Strawberry Cheesecakes

- She tends not to notice anyone when she's playing her games-

- If you ask her how many games she has, she will answer it with "I lost count-"

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