If my Undertale Ocs were in DR

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If my Undertale Ocs were in Danganronpa :DD-

Blue Moon:
The Ultimate Napper
(I mean- She sleeps like all the time so why not-)

Execution name: "Goodnight Forever."

Teal Ocean:
The Ultimate Marine Biologist
(She does study about it for most of her life-)

Execution name: "Deadly Blue Oceans"

Red Moon:
The Ultimate Arsonist

Execution name: "Flames and Fun"

The Ultimate Protector
(Protector of AUs- what do you expect-)

Execution name: "Die for Creation"

The Ultimate Breakdancer
(Do I even need to explain-)

Execution Name: "Go break a leg!"

The Ultimate Destroyer
(Again- what do you expect- though I was gonna do Doll Maker- but eh-)

Execution name: "Beautiful Destruction."

The Ultimate Candy Maker

Execution Name: "A Sweet Farewell"

The Ultimate Astrologist

Execution Name: "Touch the Stars"
(I just got lazy with this one-)

The Ultimate Sharpshooter

Execution Name: "Target locked"

I might change some of these if I find something better for them- and if one of their ultimates are already taken then I'm sorry ;w;

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