Midnight's and Gold's Backstory

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(all of this is in 3rd POV also don't play the song yet)

Long ago, there were two sisters named Midnight and Gold. They were like reincarnations of the apples. The younger sister, Gold, was a very cheerful and social girl and made sure everyone was cheerful as well, she has an ability where whoever she encounters becomes happy and would instantly be her friend depending how many golden apples there are. The older sister, Midnight, was quite the opposite. She was very doubtful of herself, antisocial, and had a lot of anxieties, she was just at her home or right next to her sister to make sure she was safe but her ability wasn't much help to her. Everyone she encounters will feel something other than happiness they would feel something else...


They would feel hate towards her. And many more negative Feelings. It also depends how many dark apples there are. "Why does she exist again?" "I feel so sorry for her sister! She has such an horrible sister" "why would I be friends with her?" All those words hit her like a train wreck while her little sister gets compliments like "Your so cute! Your the most adorable girl to ever exist!" "I love the way you dress!" "Can we be friends?? You look so nice!" Or so on.

Gold was blessed while Midnight was cursed. But no matter what they stayed together.

Or so they thought.

On that day. Where Nightmare started to turn the golden apples to dark apples, Midnight started to hear a voice in her head "Tch. You look so pitiful. No wonder no one likes ya" the voice sounded like her's but it sounded more distorted and sinister "whoever you are please leave me alone" Midnight said, trying to ignore the voice in her head " The name is Black you worthless shit. And I ain't leaving ya alone." Black said. Midnight was trying her best to ignore her but she kept pointing out all of her imperfections, every single one. "Please...stop..." Midnight said while her tears were streaming down like a water fall "hmm...ya know I could fix all of those imperfections of yours" Black said while wearing a sinister grin "you...can?..." Midnight asked "Yup!~ all you have to do is stay still and let me do all the work." Black said "...Fine..." Midnight said, tired of all the people bullying her just because she's different. Black smirked "Good." She said before going into her body. Midnight started to feel pain striking her soul and started seeing black marks on her body "w-what are you doing?!" Midnight said while trying to take off the marks "Fixing you." Black said as more marks started to appear on Midnight's skin "I c-change my mind!! P-please stop" Midnight said while coughing a lot "I'm afraid it's too late for that bitch." Black said while smirking. Midnight's hair started to turn darker, her skin getting covered by the markings, and the pain in her soul started getting worst. Then after a few minutes... Midnight was gone. Black had fully taken over. "Ugh why does she have to keep her hair down" Black said and started to tie them up into buns " the way she dresses is just as horrible as her." Black said as she snapped her fingers and instantly she now had a new outfit "now that's more like it" she said while smirking until she heard a voice from behind her "sister?..." Gold said terrified of what her older sister became. Black turned around and lets out a sinister laugh "awww what's wrong Gold?~ don't you want to give your O̴̳̍l̷͚͉͓͆̃͗d̷͓͒e̵͖̓͌r̸̺̗̂͗ ̶̬̝̌s̸̨͘i̵̢͋͜s̸͉͆̋̑t̶͎͋ȩ̸̝̰̽̀̎r̴̟̽ a hug?~" she asked while Gold shook her head "your not Midnight!!" Gold said while tears streaming down her face "your smarter than ya look attention seekin' whore" Black said "whoever you are, please tell me where my big sister is!" Gold said "Midnight is gone now~ she felt so jealous of you and lonely that she accepted my help to 'fix' her~" Black explained "your sister was such an idiot" Black added while laughing "..." Gold stayed quiet, she felt guilty, she thought it was her fault for not realizing that her older sister was feeling left out and that she was taking all the attention. "... Midnight, I know your still there... Please come back.... You promised that we'd never leave each other..." Gold said

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