Random facts about them-

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This time I'm doing it randomly!-

- Massacre used to have Anorexia (an eating disorder) she probably still has it.

- Execute has tried to help Massacre with her disorder, sadly she gave up

- Red Moon actually doesn't remember anyone's name unless they're actually important to her

- Novel surprisingly hasn't heard Bitch Lasagna yet-

- Coral doesn't know her name is an actual marine invertebrate-

- Mara's name actually means "bitter" or "sorrow" in Hebrew

- Mary's name means "rebellion" in Hebrew

- Leah's name actually means "tired" or "weary" in American or Hebrew-speaking families

- Yellow Sun accidentally heard the Bitch Lasagna song and she will sing it at random times-

- My actual name rhymes with Halloween-

- Blue Moon was actually energetic when she was a kid

- Midnight knows a lot of languages-

- Fright's favorite food is surprisingly not a body part-

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