Information/Facts about Fright

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- "Fright" is just a nickname monsters gave to her due to how much she scares humans a lot first before actually killing them

- She forgot her real name

- the reason her right eye is covered is because she got so hungry that she was willing to gouge her eye out and eat it. And she did.

- For the reason she has a mask covering her mouth is that a 2 monsters were angry at her for not giving them enough food (even though there's not much in the underground anymore) and sliced both side of her cheeks

- yes, she has a lot of problems with seeing things

- she fell down the mountain 1 year before the whole "No more food and we're going insane" situation

- She came from an mental hospital and was an orphan

- Sometimes she doesn't want to hurt any humans, so she finds some Chains, ties herself up to a tree and just stay there until the human is either gone or dead

- sometimes that plan doesn't work

- Will she one day stick her hand into Horror's head hole thing? Yeah-

- The only places she likes is Snowdin and Waterfall

- She even sometimes falls asleep in random places

- there's a place in Snowdin that's her territory, she only let's Papyrus and Sans enter, maybe Aliza as well if she's lucky

- she hasn't met Undyne

That's all

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