GZtale Oc

29 1 0

Name: Genevieve
(Thank chu GalaxyComets556 for le name OwO)


(Don't let the looks fool you- she's older than she looks- She's 24-)

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(Don't let the looks fool you- she's older than she looks- She's 24-)

Curious, Kind, Caring, A bit Childish, responsible, and Honest

Soul trait
Half Purple and Half Blue (Perseverance and Integrity)

Crush: Ganz

Head Cannon Voice:


- She likes to read Fantasy Books a lot

- She never liked her eyes so she covers them up a bit

- just like the song, She don't want a man that'll treat her like a damn barbie doll-

- She made the bow herself owo

- She can be shy sometimes

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