Seven Deadly Sins oc

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Name: Alina


Her other side

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Her other side

Sin: Raven sin of Despond

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Sin: Raven sin of Despond

(She has a Multiple personality disorder so she' practically almost a different person sometimes-)

Shy, Nice, Sensitive, Insecure, and doesn't talk that much

Her other personally:
Confident, Mean af, will talk nonstop

Sacred treasure:

Sacred treasure:

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Crush: Ban

Head Cannon Voice:

(It's the purple haired gurl-)

Her other side:

(It looks like a meme Lmao-)


1. Her other side has an different name: Arachna

2. Alina easily gets scared and doesn't take care of herself that much, so she faints at random times

3. If Alina faints she'll instantly wake up as Archana

4. Archana will change back to Alina if she faints again

5. Both of them love to go to the beach

Now for they're Attacks owo-

Transfer Doubt:

This attack allows the user to transfer they're doubt to the person by just causing a small wound on the target
(Which is useful to Alina- she doubts herself all day- but if Archana uses it, it won't be that effective)

Cage of Sorrow:

This allows the user to trap the person in a red cage that will make them see they're most deepest sorrows.
(This attack can only be used by Archana)

Sight of Hope:

This isn't really an attack, it's more like a healing spell that the user can use on anyone she chooses. As long as she knows them.
(Both of them can use this, but Archana doesn't like it-)

And now fore they're sacred treasure move/ Ultimate-

World of Agony:

If the person lands a lot of hits on the user, all the user has to do is talk to them if the person talks back all the hits will be on him now. But with an illusion that the person's loved ones are hitting him.

(So it's kinda like Revenge Counter, but in a different way and with an illusion)

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