Gold and Midnight's story REMAKE

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A long time ago,
In a peaceful town, there lived two sisters. The older one was named Midnight, while the younger one was named Gold.

They were special, Midnight had the power to enhance something's or someone's mental being. She just needed her energy source, the moonlight and negativity.

While Gold had the power to enhance something's or someone's physical being. Her energy source was the sunlight and positivity.

Gold was loved by all the townfolk due to the positive aura she gives off everywhere she goes. It makes the kids happy and energetic, the adults that were having a bad day would suddenly feel better.

While Midnight, it was complicated. Some disliked her, some adored her. Some wanted her gone, some wanted her to stay a bit longer for a snack. Her aura wasn't the best at daytime, but in the night, it was soothing, people would fall asleep peacefully when she walked around the town. She was a bit upset that some people looked at her with anger or disgust...


One day,
The two sisters wandered into a forest, holding baskets.

"What was the stuff we needed again sister??"

"We just need some vegetables and fruits, that's all.."


They were gathering food for their lunch and dinner. Gold was excited to explore the forest while Midnight felt an unsettling presence nearby, but she wasn't sure. It was faint but still noticeable.

As they were gathering fruits, they came across a huge tree, it looked a bit dead but it was still beautiful in a way. Gold was fascinated while Midnight was... Worried.

The unsettling presence she sensed got stronger. Was there something or someone's spirit roaming in the tree?... Who knows.

"Woah!! This tree is huge! Don't you agree, sister?"

"... Yes, it is quite big.."

"Sister? Are you alright? You seem tense.."




"I'm fine, just a bit.. worried that someone might've got the berries first"

"Oh no!! The berries! You're right! Wait here, sister. I'll go find some berries!"

Midnight nodded as Gold ran off to find those berries. Midnight looked at the tree, admiring it a bit until she saw something dark flash past a branch.

Midnight was a bit nervous, but she still spoke.

"Hello?... Is someone there?.."





No one responded, it was probably a squirr–

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