Alphatale Oc (Bonus!)

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Name: Blaze


Personality:Insane, aggressive, Funny but not in a good way, no sign of kindness

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Insane, aggressive, Funny but not in a good way, no sign of kindness.

Crush: Infected! Sans

Crush: Infected! Sans

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Head cannon voice:


1. Death Chainsaw,
This ability allows her to summon a chainsaw at any time and one or two attacks from it would result in an instant game over

2. Unrivaled Defense
This ability allows Blaze to become temporarily invulnerable to damage. She has this in common with Infected

3. Cannibalism
If she eats a part of someone, she will regain some health and some of the abilities that person has. But unlike Infected's, she can only use it if she ate a whole part of the person. For example, if she ate a whole arm of someone, she can keep that person's power

4. But Nobody Came.
If the Opponent tries to call for back up, this ability will not allow them to. Blaze really likes this one

5. Instant Regeneration
She can instantly regenerate a part of her body if it was cut off or damaged but there is a limit to it

6. Corruption
This ability can corrupt the opponent and will fight for her for as long as she wants. Though it does take up most of Blaze's stamina but she's too insane to care about it

7. Innocent Disguise
She can copy someone's appearance, voice, personality and can even copy the memories of she wanted to. It's useful if she wants to cause some drama in an AU.

8. Overwhelming Sin
This ability can make the sins of the opponent much more heavier on They're back. She can turn it up to max if she wanted to


- She's really aggressive- best not to go near her

- She's highly dangerous due to her almost Killing Scarla once

- She absolutely HATES Parallax

- She's Bisexual

- She has never tasted sweets before-

- she has a stab wound on her chest, though it doesn't really affect her that much

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