Can they survive BIRD BOX? pt. 1

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This includes some touchy subjects so feel free to get off this chapter if you want to

And if you haven't watched the movie then I highly recommend you get of this chapter and watch it first if you don't want to get spoiled- but I can't stop you physically now can I?-

Basically in Bird Box there's this Mass suicide happening making it an Epidemic. It's caused by some creature that if you look at it, it'll make you want to kill yourself. It shifts appearances to a person's worst fear, guilt, etc. They can't physically touch you or other things but you can hear them, they can also shift their voice-

But there are some people that are okay with seeing it and all of them are insane. Lost their mind. They will force you to look at the creature because they think it's beautiful or something- they treat it like a god-

Today you'll be seeing if my Ocs will Survive, Force people to look at it or Die! Of course I'm not adding my immortal ocs- well none of them will die but some of them WILL force some of them to look
(Why tf do I sound like a professional wtf-)

I will also be explaining why they survived and Why they died. I'm obviously not gonna explain why some of them will force them to look at it cus' duh- they lost their mind-

Anyways let's just start-

Blue Moon: Died
The reason on why she died is even though she wore a blindfold so she can't see it, the thing sounded like her son Ciel (who I will make in Gacha Club soon-) it was saying the lines of "Mom! Please look over here! I need help! Please! I'm gonna die!" In a panicked tone to make it more believable. She believed it due to motherly love.

Teal Ocean: Survived
In the movie, there's a really safe place to live in. It's a school for the blind. The fastest way to get there was through a river but there were rough tides. But since Teal is good at riding a boat she can get there with only minor problems. She only has to worry about crazy people but thankfully she knows how to fight.

Red Moon: Survived
Even though RM is apart of a group that mostly consists of insane people, she isn't insane like them. She isn't as good with boats like Teal but she can manage. She isn't really that easy to fool either so the voices ain't gonna get to her.

Disco: Died
She was forced to look at it by Fright.

BonBon: Died
She can be easily fooled, the thing sounded like her mother so she foolishly took of her blindfold and died

Stella: Survived
She can legit just float to the safe place- I mean sure it'll be a bit harder to do that since she's blindfolded and there's voices that sound like her friends and family but still-

Mary: Survived
This woman has a crap ton of guns and really good at close combat. She can even get to the safe place without going the fastest way-

Novel: Survived
Some insane people will assume her glasses are see through tbh- which they are- making them think she's one of them- and since this girl is good at acting she can just walk to the safe place- and yes there's a blindfold under those glasses.

Magenta: Died
The thing sounded like Aziz and Nia screaming for help, she died because she took of her blindfold.

Fright: Insane people
She's a psycho so of course she'll think the Thing is good at force everyone to look at it

Tulip: Died
Forced to look at it by Fright

Yellow Sun: Died
The Thing sounded like Blueberry and Sunberry saying that they already arrived at the safe place, saying that the people were good. Of course she was hesitant but the voices kept saying things similar to that. So she got convinced and took of her blindfold and she died.

Opal: Survived
She isn't that easy to fool especially when she's serious and since this whole epidemic thing is serious, she's serious. She can get to the safe place with only minor problems

Falcon: Died
Forced to look at it by Leah

Crystal: Died
Forced to look at it by Leah

Leah: Insane people
Not that surprising-

Luna: Died
Most of the kids are dead there so-

Deana: Insane people
Again- not that surprising-

Topaz: Died
She's not that easy to fool but it's still possible. But of course the thing picked the right voice. Echo's and G's voice.

Red Sun: Survived
She's good at fighting people and she's not that easy to fool. She can get to the safe place with only some minor problems.

Gold: Died
The Thing picked a whole lot of voices. Midnight's, Dream's, Daytime's (Her child which I'll also be doing soon), etc. Of course with that many she was convinced and took of her blindfold.

Midnight: Died
Since Her and Gold were inseparable, she witnessed, well more like heard, Gold killed herself. That wrecked her. But she tried to get to the safe place but the voices shifted to Gold's, Nightmare's, and Nighttime's (another ship child I'll do soon) voices. But instead of a cry for help like BM's and Gold's or convincing that they already arrived like YS's. It was threats.

Black: Survived
Black still has SOME sanity left in her. BUT. She did it on purpose, even if she hasn't saw the Thing, she forced people to look.

Ava: Died
The Thing decided to use Children's voices. Of course that was enough to make her take of her blindfold.

Frella: Survived
She is not easy to fool and even though most of the time she's a goofball, she can still put up a great fight.

Tammy: Insane people
Not surprising-

Dragon: Survived
Let's be honest here, She'd still be an entire meme but she can still fight-

Jaelyn: Survived
If she survived Predatortale then this is a piece of cake for her- even if she's blindfolded

Karma: Insane people
Not surprising-

Jikan: Died
Forced to look by Karma and Tammy

Shima: died
She legit works in an ASYLUM-

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