When you cheat on them pt. 1

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You are officially on my hit list-

Blue Moon:

- Would go back to her depressive state when she was still on the surface

- Would sleep way more than usual

- Would tell jokes more

Teal Ocean:

- She would lose the motivation to learn about Marine biology

- Would lose her happy go lucky side

- Stays up all night

Red Moon:

- will never trust anyone again

- Would be more cold towards everyone

- Won't talk

- stays up all night


- would think for hours on why you would do that

- stops taking her vials (which are supposed to allow her to feel emotions)

- would take her job, protecting AUs, more seriously

- wouldn't even draw, hangout, etc. with anyone. Even with her own brother, Ink

- she'll only say small responses like "mhm" or "no"


- would stop eating

- doesn't go to dance classes anymore

- stay in her room all day

- would refuse to go outside


- would destroy more AUs than usual

- more aggressive towards everyone

- would have big mood swings

- the only time she would talk is to send a rude comment at you


- would wish she wasn't trapped in the save file and just die outside of it

- Completely loses any sort of positivity

- would sleep more than 15 hours


- would stop eating sweets

- lies about being ok

- less energetic

- rude sometimes


- would cry for hours

- would go somewhere secluded to avoid any contact with anyone

- would also lose motivation to learn about other stuff


- would probably quit the Mafia so she can get away from you

- Go on a killing spree

- have several break downs

- join the opposite mafia

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