Chapter 3 - Manhood.

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By night, the boys drove all the way out to Nevada to perform the next day. Madison soon learned that the male performers that were going on tour with them were Justin Bieber, One Direction, and Jaden Smith. These 3 boys along with Mindless Behavior were competing for the 'Male Dominance' award or what they called the MD awards.

Madison kept in touch with her mother so that she'd think that she was fine at her brothers dorm. Even though she was dressed like a boy, she had no clue about what was coming next. The day slowly drifted into the night as they arrived in the Nevada City.

This would be the time where Madison would get some real dirt on the boys.

"Aye did y'all see the new picture that Kiloni posted on Instagram?" Ray Ray asked.

"I don't care." Roc growled.

"That obviously mean that you do! All I asked was did y'all see it?" Ray Ray laughed. "To be honest, she looks kind of good on it."

"Yo Ray Ray, chill with all of that. Straight up."

"Roc, don't get an attitude with me because y'all not together anymore." Ray Ray said in a stern tone. "And y'all making it quite obvious because y'all went from posting 'lovey dovey' pictures of each other, to not acknowlegding each other anymore. Team 'nosey ass' Mindless can read all through that."

"You right. And they can see that you and Star's relationship is starting to fade as well." Roc nodded. "Have you noticed that she don't wear her necklace nearly as much as you wear yours? You're starting to look like a sucka, bro."

"Better to look like a sucker in a relationship that to look like a sucker without one."

"Alright alright enough y'all! Damn it's not even that serious!" Princeton barked.

"Princeton don't even speak in this conversation. You're pussy whipped over Bella and the bitch doesn't even notice you!" Roc snapped. "You unfollow her and follow her back all day on Instagram and like 25 billion pictures of hers when she isn't even following you. You're the biggest sucka of us all!"


"Exactly. Hush your mouth, pretty boy." Ray Ray laughed. "You're the only one that isn't in a relationship."

"Anyway, so what outfit are you picking out for the casino, Prod?" Princeton asked.

"Uhh....I plan to pick out a checkered plaid shirt with some adida's shorts and flip flops." Madison nodded.

"Bro, girls don't like the 'plaid' shit." Princeton laughed. "You wore that the last time!"

"Not only that, but we're going to the casino!" Ray Ray smiled. "Since Walter is sneaking us in, we're gonna ball! Especially since we're going to be gambling against Jaden, One Erection, and Justin Bieber."

"We're gonna all pick out some G shit." Roc nodded. "Trust me."

Madison and the boys pulled up at an outlet mall just off the strip, and began to shop. But before they started walking around the mall, Madison had to go to the bathroom. She headed to the girls bathroom when Roc snatched her arm, and took her into the boys bathroom along with Prince and Ray.

"The hell you going to the girls bathroom for?" Roc laughed as he, Princeton, and Ray Ray pulled down their pants, and began to use it in the urinals in front of them. Madison was dancing around in the bathroom because she knew that she couldn't use it in front of them, so she waited for them to get out.

"Why are you just standing there, Prod?" Princeton said in a weird tone.

"I uhh.....I'm just waiting for you guys to get done...." Madison said in a shaky tone as she held her bladder.

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