Chapter 11 - Over the Edge.

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Madison didn't know what to do. Her heart along with her mind was racing as she stared at Prodigy's icon on Roc's screen. She didn't know if he was going to say that he was in the hotel, if he was pulling up, or what not. Thinking on her feet, she disguised her voice like Roc's and answer the phone.

"Hello?" Madison answered in a deeper tone.

"Roc my man! How are y'all? Did y'all win the MD awards?" Prodigy cheered.

"Uhhh...not yet. We still have a few more states to go to." She said in a shaky and deep tone. "Wh-where are you?"

"Still at the hospital. The doctors said that i'm supposed to stay in here for another month and a half." He moped. "I texted my mother and told her that i'm doing good and she text me back and said "huh?" I'm guessing that she was probably at work so I didn't text her back. They said that i'm supposed to undergo surgery for my kidneys and i'm a little worried about that."

"Oh. heh heh." 

"I undergo surgery tomorrow so are you guys gonna come see me tonight?"

"Uh we can't because-"

Suddenly, she seen Roc walking out of the bathroom. When he reached the table, he lifted the phone up to him and acted like she answered the phone for him. Roc looked down at the phone, then put it to his ear.

"Prod?" Roc said in a noncholant tone.

"So why can't you come?" Prodigy asked.

"Come where?"

"To come see me before I undergo this terrifying surgery?" He laughed.

"Prod what are you talking about?" Roc laughed.

"The surgery for my kidneys? It'll make me feel better and loosen up some of the pores and marks in my face."

"Prod, are you making fun of Ray Ray for what happened?"

"What?" Prodigy said in a confused tone.

"Look alright. Don't call me making fun of him but then when me and Prince do it, you catch an attitude." Roc snapped. "You're doing that 2 faced shit and I don't like it."

"Roc, what in the hell are you talking about?"

"Look Prod i'm kind of busy, so i'll see you later. Alright?"

"Oh you're coming?" Prodigy cheered. "You're coming to see me?"

"Uuuuueerr.......yeah I guess?" Roc said as he rolled his eyes in irritation.

"Alright! Make sure that Prince and Ray Ray come's too!" 

"Uh sure I guess?" 

"Alright. Bye." 


Roc hung up the phone, sat back down in his chair and shook his head as he continued to eat. He looked up at Madison who's face was whiter than a ghost. She realized that she dodged one of the largest bullets.

"So.....what happened?" Madison asked.

"Man I swear half of the time Prodigy is high!" Roc laughed. "This dude call's me and talks about anything now-a-days."

Madison and Roc finished their dinner before they headed to seperate rooms. Roc walked inside of the hotel and seen Princeton playing Saints Row, so he plopped down onto his bed and watched the two move all around the place as he listened to his ipod.

When the boys went to sleep a few hours later, someone knocked on the door. Ray Ray got up to answer it, it was Star. She was holding a large ice pack on her eye as she gave Ray Ray a saddened look. He immediately woke up when he saw her and he opened the door widely as she stood there.

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