Chapter 10 - My God.

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Madison was in the hotel room by herself, but she kept her Prodigy costume on just in case. Out of nowhere, Ray Ray barged through the hotel room door. She jumped up and glanced at him and he looked a complete and utter mess. His face was sweaty, his eyes were teary, and his hair was destroyed. She glanced at his face and could tell that he had gotten into another fight with Star.

"Ray Ray what happened to-"

"Prod! Prod you have to listen to me!" He said in a tired and loud voice as he grabbed the sides of her arms. "You have to help me get Star back!"

"What?" She said as she looked at him in confusion/

"Star! We fought. We just-"

"Did you file for abuse like I told you to do, Ray Ray?"

"Prod can you just listen for 2 seconds? Please!" Ray Ray begged. Madison looked at him, rolled her eyes, then took a deep breath.

"Go ahead."

"Me and Star we......we fought again. But this time, I hit her back." Ray Ray said as he sat on the bed. "I swear on my mother that I didn't mean to do it! It was an outburst because she kept hitting me in my face. I apologized over and over but she couldn't do it. It just happened and now she's threatning to leave me!"

"So? How is that bad?" Madison snapped.

"I don't want her to leave me. She can't leave me!"

"Ray Ray, she deserved that smack on her face. And she doesn't deserve you. Plain and simple."

"Wow, Prod. You're starting to sound just like Roc and Prince." Ray Ray laughed in a sarcastic tone. "You're saying the same sexist and wrong bullshit that they would."

"How? Because i'm trying to tell you things that'll save you from getting YOUR ass kicked?" Madison snapped.

"You son of a bitch." Ray Ray whispered as he stood up and inched closer to Madison's face. "And no asshole. Star may put her hands on me over and over and I may go back, but one thing that I will NEVER do is put my hands on a female."

"But you obviously did, Ray Ray."

"Without intention!" Ray Ray yelled as he balled his fists up. "What makes me more of a man that you, Roc, or Prince will ever be is that I don't EVER question whether or not if I should hit a female. You wanna know why? Because you shouldn't! Real men solve their problems instead of filing for abuse, hitting females, and more importantly leaving someone that they still have faith in!"

Madison stared at Ray Ray for a few seconds, then looked down at the ground.

"Exactly. So you know what, don't give me advice on how to be a man. Because you, Roc, and Princeton aren't experts at it." Ray Ray nodded as he went into his room in the suite, and slammed the door.

Madison knew that Ray Ray was correct. She was a woman. She didn't have the slightest clue on how to tell Ray Ray how to act. Furious, she stormed into the bathroom and stripped off her whole entire costume. She cleaned all of the brown off of her hands and face, put on a jogging suit that she'd bought for herself, put her long red hair into a bun, then stormed out of the hotel room.

She was on her way Stars bus.

Madison balled up her fists and walked into the hotel parking lot. She walked onto their bus and peeked to see if Star was inside. And she was. It was her and Roc playing video games when she lunged out at her and tackled her onto the ground. Star was a little bigger than Madison so she quickly dominated the fight. Roc paused the game and grabbed Madison by her waist and snatched her off of her as she kicked on Star.

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