Chapter 24 - Magic. **FINALE**

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After a good days worth of sleep, Madison woke up to see everyone in her room. Roc, Star, Bahja, Princeton, Ray Ray, Julia, Brooke, and Syndey. She also seen that Prodigy had on a few patches on Prodigy, showing that he got his surgery when she went to sleep. They all brought her gifts and flowers, and even though she was a little sore, a little amount of pain had worn off. Her mother came in seconds later, adjusting her wheelchair at the foot of the exit door.

"Wakey wakey!" Julia squealed as they set her presents down, and walked a little close to her bed.

"Hey......I'd hug you guys but i'm still a little sore." Madison nodded, still talking in a raspy and sick tone. Roc slowly walked up to her, and placed his hand on her leg.

"How do you feel?" He asked.

"Sore. I can't feel in my left leg." She said in a saddened tone. "I can't even move it."

"Madison, you're a true hero." Wanda said as she walked inside of the room. "The fact that you've only known my son for 2 months and gave up your will to walk for him, is a true honor and blessing. God will definitely make sure that you recieve something special in return.

"Thank you." Madison smiled.

2 days later, it was finally time for her to go home. Wanda told Madison's mother that she'd pay off all of her medical expenses that involves the wheelchair, and installed ramp at her house, and more. Madison was picked up and placed in a chair, then wheeled off to her car. She waved goodbye to her friends as they waved goodbye back, then she prepared to start a new life without walking.

To her, it was more difficult than she thought. She could take showers alone because she had a sit in shower, but her mother would have to see her naked everytime she wanted one so that she could assist her to bed. Being a teenager, it was quite embarrassing for her to have to allow her mother to see her developed body. Her mom had to help her put on her clothes, shoes, and more when she wanted to go out, and the feeling of discomfort was overbearing to her. When she wanted something to eat, she would have to ask her mother for assistance to place her in her wheelchair, and roll her down the installed ramp that they got about a week later. She needed help reaching things, opening things, and more. 

Madison knew that it wasn't easy, but she never thought that it would be this hard. Her mother picked her up and placed her in her bed, when Madison asked her a damning question.


"Yeah sweety?"

"Will I ever walk again?" Madison asked in a shocked tone.

"To be honest baby, probably not. However, that won't stop you from doing what you want to do in life." Her mother smiled as she sat in front of her on her bed, and combed her fingers through her long red hair. "And what do you want to be?"

"A gymnastic finalist in the olympics." Madison chuckled.

"Well you're strong as hell. You can be anything you want to be, and aint no damn wheelchair gonna stop my baby." Her mom said as she pinched her nose, and gave her a kiss on her forehead. "I love you. Goodnight."

"I love you too. Goodnight." Madison nodded as she tucked herself under the covers.

A month later, Madison was told by Prodigy that he wanted her to come to another show. He had Walter pick her up 3 hours later, and assisted her on stage as the girls clapped in her presence. Prodigy was alive and well, and it was all because of her. He along with the other boys, wanted her to make sure that she felt appreciated for her deeds. Madison covered her mouth and smiled at the people in the crowd, as they continued to yell and cheer her on. Julia, Sydney, and Brooke were there also, and they were going wild.

"This girl right here, is a life saver!" Prodigy said on the mic as he smiled, and placed his arm around her. "A year ago, I found out that I was diagnosed with cancer. I didn't tell you guys because I didn't want you to freak out. 2 months ago, I found out that if I didn't get a certain transplant in certain area's of my body, I would die. During my last days, this girl woke up and decided that she would give up her will to walk, just to see me survive. If that ain't a life saver, I don't know what a life saver is. So Madison, i've decided that every single check I make when me and the boys split up our profits from album sales, will be yours. And not just this check, but all of my checks until i'm done with my career. It's the LEAST that I can do for you."

"Oh my gosh!" Madison smiled as she took the check. "You don't have to do this."

"I feel that I have to. And I definitely want to." Prodigy smiled.

During their performances, Madison was allowed to sit on the side of the stage and watch the whole entire performance. Even though it was a small price to pay for her legs, at this moment, it was all worth it.

10 years later, everyone wanted to persue their own careers, so they split up in their 20's. Madison however, still stayed in contact with everyone. Princeton became a video director and a male model, Ray Ray and Prodigy opened up their own dance studio's, Bahja is still in college in hopes of becoming a doctor, Star is a pediatrician, Julia became a newswoman and spokesperson, Brooke became a writer, and Sydney shockingly became a producer, even though it wasn't in her best interest.

Roc and Madison moved in together when they both turned 27 after dating for almost 10 years, and had two little mixed daughters. The 4 year old was named Kimberly, and the 2 year old was named Lola. They both had caramel skin, and Kimberly had shoulder length hair while Lola had short curly hair. A year later, they officially got married. Throughout these years, Kimberly went to a gymnastic's class everyday, still getting excersize on her legs. She was the only one who didn't flip around like the others, but the teacher still helped her work around with her legs.

A month later, she decided to get surgery in hope of her legs working. Afterwards, Prodigy called her a week later to see how she was doing at home.

"Did the surgery work?" Prodigy cheered over the phone.

"No...." Madison said in a saddened tone.

"Oh.....Madison i'm sorr-"

"Hey! It's okay." She nodded. "I'll just....keep working on my gymnastic's I guess."

"You will be able to walk again, Madison." Prodigy nodded. "Don't lose faith."

"I wont. I promise." Madison cheered.

"Alright. Bye."


Prodigy hung up the phone, and lounged around in the home that he shared with his girlfriend named Jo'anne. 25 minutes later, someone knocked on the door. Prodigy couldn't see who it was in the peephole, so that usually indicated that it was Madison sitting on her wheelchair by it. 

When he unclocked the door, Madison ran inside of his large living room and did a backflip inside, landing on her too feet. She held her hands up in a posing postion and smiled at him as he looked at her in shock, then opened his mouth wide while smiling at her. He stared gasping and chanting: "Oh my god. Oh my god." In total and complete disbelief.

"Taa-daa!" Madison smiled as Prodigy ran up to her, hugged her, picked her up, and spun her around in cheerfulness as she kickeed around both of her legs, and squealed along with Prodigy.

The lord, finally answered the prayers that she prayed for for 10 long years. He finally rewarded her for her good deed's.

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