Chapter 23 - Donations, Donations.

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"Excuse me ma'am, but we can't allow you to donate anything without a parent present." The woman nodded. "You also have to work out medical expenses, surgery procedures, and basic-"

"I'm her mother!" Wanda lied as she walked up, and included herself in the conversation. "She's my adopted daughter and um....she's gonna donate one of her kidneys and arteries to my son."

"Okay well, i'm gonna have you fill out this sheet, and we're gonna plan a surgery date for your daughter." The woman nodded as she slipped a slip on the front desk.

"Thank you."

Prodigy's mother was already at the hospital when Madison arrived. Prodigy was so excited that he winded up telling his mother anyway, even though it wasn't guaranteed that she would donate. They walked into Prodigy's hospital room as Wanda sat next to Madison, and gave her the form along with her credit card.

"Now since i'm not your actual mother, i'm gonna need you to remember everything you can when you fill out this form." Wanda laughed as she handed her her credit card. "I don't care how much money this surgery costs. If it cost's an arm and a leg, i'll do it to save my son."

"I'll fill out as much as I can." Madison nodded as she smiled at her.

"Okay. Craig, did you want some more chilli cheese fries from the Coney Island around the corner?" Wanda smiled as she glanced at Prodigy.

"Sure. I am kind of hungry." Prodigy nodded.

"Alright. I'll be back in 15 minutes." Wanda said as she stood up, grabbed her purse along with her keys, and made her way out of the room. "I have to get some gas also. I'll make it as quick as I can."


Prodigy watched his mother walk out of the room, then glanced at Madison as she filled out the form. He stared at her for a few moments, then made conversation to get out of the awkward enviroment that they were in.

"'re actually gonna donate?" Prodigy asked in a bland tone.

"Yeah....." Madison responded as she kept her eyes on her paper, and continued to fill out her paper.

"Are you scared?" He asked as Madison looked up, and froze from his comment.

"Terrified." She said with a bland look on her face. "I'm giving up my will to walk for christ sakes. Haha."

"Madison like I said earlier, but you don't have to do this."

"I don't have to. But I want to." Madison nodded as she continued to fill out her form. Prodigy stared at her for another few seconds, then lowered his head.

"I know that you're doing it to save my life, but why are you doing this?"

"I would rather live the rest of my life in a wheelchair knowing that I saved somebody's life, than to live the rest of my life knowing that someone passed, and I could've done something about it."

"Damn." Prodigy said as his mouth opened a little. "Thats.....that's deep."

"I'll be a little shocked afterwards, but i'll thank myself in the long run."

"And so will I." Prodigy nodded. "Once again, thank you so much. You're amazing, and Roc has a good girlfriend on his hands."

"No need to thank me, Prod." Madison smiled as she looked at him.

Wanda walked in 20 minutes later and brought Prodigy's food. She was happier than usual, and she asked Madison could she talk to her in the hallway alone. Madison agreed as her mother excitedly tugged her out into a hallway, and took a deep breath.

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