We Will Find Him

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The two of you headed into the clubhouse after you'd gotten dressed. You wanted a shower, but you needed fresh clothes. You liked wearing EZ's shirts, but you wanted clean panties and a different pair of jeans. The ones you had on were the same pair you'd been wearing when you went into the hospital. They had some blood on them from where he'd split open the skin on your side.

Your dad was sitting at the bar with a cup of coffee when you walked through the door. He stood up and gave you a hug.

"How are you feeling, mija? You seem to be moving a little better this morning."

"Better, daddy. Still sore, but a lot better. Were you able to get some stuff for me? I really want to get some clean clothes on. I can't wear Ezekiel's forever."

EZ leaned in and whispered in your ear, "yes you can, cariño. I like it when you wear my clothes."

You turned to smile at him shyly.

"Let me get you some food. Coffee?"

"Yes, please."

He walked off to grab you some food while you sat down at the bar next to your dad.

"Thank you for letting me give Ezekiel a chance. I really like him. More than I've ever liked anyone. I know that with him being a Prospect, not a patch, it's going to be difficult to keep him here with me. I know he needs to ride with you most of the time. Whenever he can stay, I'd appreciate it. He makes me feel safe, and with my ex still out there, I need that. I don't know the other guys yet, but I'll try to. If you trust them, I trust them."

"I will need him with me sometimes, but I'll do my best to keep him here most of the time. You feeling safe is important to me. Marcus is going to be here for a few days, and he will want him to ride with us. Riding with El Padrino is important."

"Mi padrino will let him stay with me sometimes. You know he never could say no to me," you said with a chuckle. You'd seen Marcus walking down the hall toward you, and you knew he heard you, so you flashed him a smile and a wink.

"Pequeña ave, you can't go around letting people think I'm soft." (Little bird.)

You laughed at that and gave him a hug. You'd always been very close to him. He treated you like you were his own daughter. It had hurt when you'd been cut off from him too. You'd missed him and your dad so much.

EZ walked over with a plate and a cup of coffee for you. He set it down and turned to Marcus.

"Can I get you anything, Padrino?"

"Coffee and a plate, Prospect."

He nodded. "Prez?"

"More coffee."

He nodded again and turned to get them what they wanted. You liked that he seemed to be a good Prospect. Respectful and hardworking. Being Bishop's daughter and Marcus's ahijada, it was important that they like him. (Goddaughter.)

You sat back down and started eating. You had a bit of a headache, probably from the concussion. Nothing major, so you weren't concerned. After EZ brought them the food and coffee, he turned to you.

"Do you need anything else, cariño?"

"I'm good, Ezekiel. Gracias."

He nodded and started cleaning up the bar and tables. Your dad told you that he'd had the guys pack you a bag of your stuff, and that he'd pick up anything else you might need. You thanked him and went back to eating. Once you'd finished, you asked if you could use the shower in his dorm.

"Of course, mija. Whatever you need." He handed you a key, and told you to hang onto it. "You need to get away from the guys, feel free to head to my dorm. I'm sure EZ will let you hang out in his trailer too, if you'd prefer that."

"Gracias, papi." You stood up and walked over to EZ.

"I'm going to my dad's dorm to shower. Is it ok if I put my bag in your trailer when I'm done?"

"Of course, cariño. I'm not sure if I'll be in here or out in the scrapyard when you finish, but if you need me, have someone find me. I'll get you a phone later today, but I think your dad has a burner somewhere that you can probably use if you need it."

You smiled and lifted onto your tiptoes to give him a soft kiss.

"Thank you, Ezekiel."

He leaned down and kissed you one more time.

"Go get your shower, bebita. You'll feel better."

After you'd headed down the hall toward your dad's dorm, EZ turned to Bishop.

"I'm going to pick up a phone for her later, but do you have a burner or something she can use if she needs it? I figured I'd get the phone when I check on my Pop. Any chance you'd let her come out with me when I do? She said she wanted to see him and thank him, and I'd like to let her pick her own phone."

"Yeah, that's fine. I'll send Angel and Coco with you. I don't want her off the compound without at least two escorts."

EZ nodded. He was good with bringing Angel and Coco. He wanted to keep you safe, but he knew you wanted to see his Pop, and he wanted to make you happy.

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