You Can't Hide

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About an hour after you got back to the scrapyard, Chucky walked into the clubhouse with a small box and a bouquet of flowers. He said they were for you, but he wasn't sure who they were from because a florist had dropped them off. EZ was working on something for your dad, and the other guys were in Templo.

You looked at them curiously, before reaching for the box. There didn't appear to be a card on the bouquet. When you opened it, you gasped before dropping the box. Inside was handcuffs and a leather belt. Both things your ex had used to punish you when you broke the rules. You knew they were from him even before you saw the card. You reached for it with shaky hands.

You have been very bad, and you will be punished. You can't hide from me. I know that you've been whoring yourself out to the Mayans. That is unacceptable, and you will have to be cleansed of that dirty, biker trash. If you don't come home willingly, I'll drag your corpse back myself.

You burst into tears as you shoved the box, flowers and card to the floor. You felt sick to your stomach. You heard Chucky call your name, before hollering for EZ.

Seconds later, EZ was in front of you with his arms wrapped around you, holding you close. He told Chucky to knock on the Templo door.

"Shhh, cariño. I'll keep you safe. It's alright bebita. I'm here." He kept speaking to you in a low, soothing voice while gently rubbing your back and holding you against his chest.

You heard your dad run over and ask what happened. Chucky started explaining it to him, and when he got to the part about the box, you let out a loud sob.

"Baby, what is it?"

"The card." You managed to choke out between sobs.

Your dad picked it up. "Hijo de puta!" (Son of a bitch.)

You continued to cry into EZ's chest. You could tell that your dad showed him the card, because you felt him stiffen against you.

"I won't let anything happen to you, cariño. You're safe with me. I promise."

You just nodded against his chest. You heard your dad call the guys back into Templo, but told EZ to stay with you. He gently picked you up and carried you over to a couch, and sat with you in his lap. You curled up into him more and kept quietly crying. You just wanted your ex to leave you alone. Why couldn't he just leave you alone?

EZ continued to rub your back and just hold you while you cried. When you'd finally calmed down, you lifted your head slightly to look at him. He tilted his head down and gave you a soft smile.

"I'm here, cariño. I promise you are safe with me."

"I know. Is it bad that I want to kiss you right now?"

"It's never bad to want to kiss me, bebita. I always want to kiss you too."

You leaned up and softly pressed your lips to his. Neither of you tried to deepen it. It wasn't something sexual. It was you needing to feel connected to him.

"Thank you, Ezekiel. It seems that you are always saving me."

"I like taking care of you. I'll save you every day if that's what you need. I'm here for you."

You just curled back up to his chest and tucked your face into his neck. You pressed a soft kiss to his throat before just nuzzling your nose against him.

Before long, your dad came out of Templo and walked over to you.

"Pequeña, I'm sending a couple guys out to track him down. We think he may be staked out somewhere close, waiting for you to leave. You are not to leave the compound for any reason. ¿Comprendo?"

"Yes, daddy. I'll stay here. Can Ezekiel stay with me?"

"For now. I'll need him with me when we find him."

You just nodded before laying your head back down on EZ. You felt him tighten his arms around you and press a kiss to your head.

A couple hours later, your dad answered his phone, then walked over to you.

"Angel has him. Galindo gave us use of the pew. It's time to head out. Chucky is going to stay here, along with Riz and Hank. You are safe here. I need EZ with me. Okay, pequeña?"

"Si, papi. Be careful please."

EZ gently set you on the couch, then leaned over to press his lips to yours.

"Stay inside. Don't even go out to the trailer, please. I need you to be safe, cariño."

You nodded and pressed your lips to his again. "Of course, mi amor." He smiled against your mouth. It was the first time you'd called him that. He liked hearing it.

The guys headed out, while you stayed tucked up in the corner of the couch. After a little while, Chucky came over and asked if you wanted anything. You decided to get up and go over to the bar to have a drink. Might as well try to keep your mind busy. You knew what your dad and EZ were doing right now. You couldn't find it in yourself to be bothered by it.

Meanwhile, at the warehouse, Bishop was just getting started. Miguel Galindo and Nestor Oceteva stood off to one side.

"Care to tell me why you needed this pendejo tied to my pew?"

"He decided it was a good idea to beat the shit out of my daughter, and then torment her when she left him."

"Then, by all means..."

Bish stepped forward and smacked your ex in the face to wake him up. Angel had hit him pretty hard in the back of the head when he'd taken him from your old house.

"Wake up you dumb motherfucker."

His eyes slowly opened, before widening significantly when he saw where he was.

"What the fuck? Where am I? Who the fuck are you?

"The name y/n ring any bells?"

"Yeah, that's my girlfriend."

"EX-girlfriend, you mean. Do you know who she is to me?"

"Nobody. She doesn't know any biker trash."

"Wrong. She's my daughter, pinche pendejo. And she's his girl," he gestured to EZ, who took a step forward. Your ex stiffened as he saw him, and realized he was one of the guys you were with earlier that day. (Fucking asshole.)

"She's mine. She belongs to me. She doesn't need biker trash to take care of her."

"Oye, idiota, ya ves dónde estás, ¿verdad?" Marcus snapped at him. (Hey, dumbass, you see where you are, right?)


"Oh, he doesn't like when you speak Spanish. You might be saying something bad about him. Right, pendejo? After all, you did crack y/n's ribs for speaking to a vendor at the market." EZ replied.

"¡Que! Estúpido hijo de puta." Marcus shouted as Bishop leaned forward to punch your ex in the mouth. (What! Stupid son of a bitch.)

"You dumb motherfucker. You laid hands on the wrong girl. You see, I'm going to have fun torturing you. And then, I'm going to let her padrino have his turn, and finally her man is going to put a bullet in your stupid fucking head."

An hour later, your ex was in pieces on the warehouse floor. Your dad and Marcus were washing the blood off their hands while EZ was wrapping up the body in cellophane to take through the tunnel and bury in Mexico. He felt no remorse for taking a man's life today. He couldn't bring himself to feel anything but satisfaction at the notion that he'd done what was necessary to keep you safe. And he'd do it a million more times for you.

Angel and Coco said they would help move the body, so the three of them dragged it through the tunnel together. EZ dug the shallow grave, and 30 minutes later, your ex was out of your life forever.

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