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After getting your car, you headed back to the scrapyard. It didn't take long for your dad to find the tracker. It was on the inside of the wheel well, against the brake pad. He removed it for you while you were getting cleaned up and changed. You came out of the clubhouse in a nice skirt, blouse and jacket.

"Holy fuck, cariño. You look fucking gorgeous."

You blushed. "Thank you, Ezekiel."

"Headed to the hospital now?"

"Yeah. I'm a little worried that they won't be understanding. I might go to the ER and pull my records so they can see that I was forced into quitting. If they can't or won't offer me my job back, I'll head to Calexico to see about a job there. I'd rather stay in Santo Padre though, and I'm sure both you and my dad would like that too."

"Definitely. Good luck, bebita. Call me if you need anything. Alright?"

"Of course, mi amor." You leaned in for a kiss. He tucked a piece of hair behind your ear before cupping your cheek and kissing you softly.

You smiled at him before getting in your car. You were a bit nervous, but you needed to do this.

Your first stop was the Pathology Department at the hospital. You wanted to talk directly to your old boss. Luckily, she wasn't busy, so you were able to see her right away.

After explaining the entire situation, she said she'd like to hire you back, but had to clear it with the hospital. She didn't think it would be an issue, given your impeccable record prior to the incident, and your willingness to share the ER records as proof. She said she'd call you by the end of the day to let you know either way. You thanked her profusely, then headed out to your car. You were so excited that things looked promising. The next step was an internet search for an apartment. You didn't have a computer anymore. Your ex had destroyed yours. You'd see if EZ would let you use his. You decided to grab a coffee on the way back to the scrapyard. Your dad had given you money to put gas in your car. You didn't think he'd mind you getting coffee too. You were keeping a running tab of money anyone had given you. You were feeling a bit anxious to pay EZ back for the phone. You didn't want him to ever feel like you were taking advantage of him by having him buy you expensive things.

EZ was at your car and opening your door as soon as you parked.

"How'd it go, cariño?"

"It went pretty well. My old boss said she was willing to rehire me, but she has to clear it with the hospital first. I'm supposed to know by the end of the day. I'm going to hold off on contacting anyone in Calexico until I know one way or the other. Now I need to start looking for apartments, but I don't have a computer anymore. Do you have one I can use?"

"Of course, bebita. It's in my trailer. Come on."

He grabbed your hand and led you to his trailer. He got you set up at the table, and gave you a kiss.

"I've got to get back to work, but just come find me if you need me. I'll write down the password to my computer in case you need it. Take your time and do whatever you need to do."

"Thank you, mi amor."

He headed back out to the yard while you looked at apartments. You were hoping to find something about halfway between the scrapyard and the hospital. If EZ was staying here in his trailer, you wanted to be close enough to him that he could stay with you and still be able to get to the clubhouse quickly if he was needed. You didn't want to make assumptions that he'd sleep over regularly, but you were hoping that would be the case.

You found 5 that looked promising. All within your price range, if you were hired back at the same or a similar salary. Three were on the same street as the scrapyard, but closer to the hospital. The other two were closer to the scrapyard, on different streets. All looked to be in a decent part of town. You made a note of all the information, and started making calls. You were hoping to at least get in to see them today. You really wanted EZ to come with you, but you didn't know if it would be too fast to have him checking out apartments when you'd only known each other for such a short time. It's not like you were having him move in with you. You just wanted him there while you looked. You called and set up times to see all 5 today, so you headed out to find him.

"Hey, Ezekiel, got a minute?"

"What's up, cariño?"

"I found 5 different apartments that look promising. I have appointments to see all of them today. I was wondering if you'd come look at them with me. Is that weird? Is it too soon to have you looking at apartments for me?"

"Of course I'll come. It's not weird or too soon. Let me just tell Bish we are leaving."

He walked into the clubhouse while you popped back into his trailer. You decided you wanted to change into something more casual than your business attire. You were in the middle of taking off your skirt when the door opened. You froze, then relaxed when you heard EZ whisper "fuck" and slide his hand down your thong-covered ass.

"Cariño, your ass is amazing. Fuck."

You smiled and shook it at him a little before bending down to put on your jeans, making sure to keep it sticking out for him to see. You felt him step up behind you, his groin pressed against your ass as he pulled your upper body up and to his chest. His hands slid up your stomach and over your bra-covered breasts. Your head fell back against his shoulder as he caressed you, keeping your hips tight against his. His lips left soft kisses on your neck as his hands continued to rub up and down your body. He wrapped one arm across your chest to the opposite shoulder while sliding the other hand down your stomach and into your panties. His fingers gently slid down your pussy lips to gather some of your arousal, before slipping between them to rub your clit.

"Oh god, Ezekiel," you moaned softly.

He groaned at the sound of his name falling from your lips as he continued to stroke your clit.

"Cum for me, cariño. Let go, baby."

You came hard, your body shaking in his arms. He continued to rub soft circles on your clit, helping you come down. When you relaxed, he pressed another kiss to your neck before pulling his fingers from your panties and putting them in his mouth. This was the first taste he was getting of you, and fuck did he think you were delicious.

"Fuck, baby. You taste so good. I can't wait to bury my face between those gorgeous thighs of yours."

You moaned at his words, your body still feeling a bit like jello from the amazing orgasm. He loosened his grip on you, allowing you to step forward to grab your jeans. You looked down and giggled.

"Now I have to change my panties too. You make me so fucking wet."

"Fuck, bebita. I want you so goddamn bad right now. We are going to be late if we don't hurry though. Later, I'm going to bury myself in you, baby."

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