𝑝𝑒𝑎𝑐ℎ𝑒𝑠 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑚

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(1 hour earlier)

"stop..." that's it he had enough with this stupid bet, it's driving him insane and he's done now, he walked out of the restaurant hearing her heels click from behind trying her hardest to stop the male from leaving drove him up the wall, just to have a moment with him was all she wanted, to have one conversation with him that's all she asked for..

"jimin wait..." her heels cracked she could feel it break but she continued to run after him, yes she likes him she liked him for a while now but he doesn't seem to come around, due to her history of being the biggest bully in school he doesn't want to interfere...

"jimin please..." he decided to stop, rolling his eyes as he turned around facing her, she wore the most beautiful dress, when jimin asked her on a date she was so excited and nervous, she couldn't believe that he likes her back but that wasn't it, she understood this whole situation wrong...

"listen ewin, this was a bet just a fucked up bet, I don't want to date you and I will never date you, so please leave me alone..." he grinted his teeths together turning around leaving her alone with her feelings crushed and her skin freezing, her head lowered allowing the tears to drop onto the floor, was a moment to hard to ask for..? tch this is ridiculous, she took of her heels and started to walk out of the driveway...

present day...

"ewin...?" her eyes were swore red, her mascara running down her cheeks ruining her whole make up look, their first instinct was is she okay? what is doing here? she hated university out of all places why is she here..?

"ewin are you okay..?" Y/N asked seeing her wearing a thin dress she removed her jacket placing it on her shoulders, brushing her hands on the jacket slightly making it warmer...

"men are dickheads..." she muttered, the tears slowly
coming in again...

"I know right tell me about it..." sujin stated, of course they know ewin's history of bullying other students, but that doesn't mean they can't do the bare minimum of human decency...

"what happened to you, why are you crying so much..?" to be honest ewin was shocked on how they treated her, normally she would get so much death threats, strong glares and whispering behind her back but these girls are different, they actually care and want to help...

"I had a date with park jimin today..."

"damn girl that clearly didn't go well..." Y/N lightly slapped sujin'arm telling her to cut it out...

"that wasn't all, apparently the date was just a bet between taehyung, hoseok and him..." Y/N's eyebrows frowned clearly not liking this at all..

"he what..?" ewin nodded, trying to run of the mascara from her cheeks..

"that's just disrespectful and so childish, a person can't play with your feelings like that, god I wish I was attracted to girls..." sujin stood behind ewin trying to see if the secret admirer is anywhere to be seen...

"ewin you need to forget about that date, clearly he's playing with your feelings, I say drop him he's not worth it, you are so beautiful, you deserve someone who can see that..." Y/N removed a few hair strands from her face giving her a small side hug...

"thank you guys, I really appreciate your help..." ewin smiled as the three exchanged phone numbers...

"please do call us if you're having any issues or if you just want to hang out okay..?" is this what it feels like to have real friends that actually care about you..? because if it is, she regretted very second of bullying other students...

"definitely thank you..." seeing the time is nearly nine they both waved ewin and quietly ran out of the school gates...


"jungkook..?" as she entered the apartment all the lights were closed, keeping the apartment fully dark, she took of her shoes closing the door behind her, she called out his name again slowly trying to walk inside...

"jungkook..?" the lights suddenly turned on, jungkook's figure appeared from the kitchen, he walked towards her placing his hands on hers gently...

"welcome to our first date beautiful..." looking behind him the table was completely set with cooked food and champagne glasses, little rose pedals on the table...

"since when are you this romantic..?" his eyes sparkled so beautiful looking down at hers, sharing his smile with her was the best feeling in the world for her, his small little bunny smile that's all she could ask for, she knew how jungkook acts around others and seeing him smiling like he is makes her feel so special and grateful...

"you look like a rabbit when you smile..."

"do I.. ?" she nodded, pinching his cheeks a few seconds later the male pulled out the chair for her, taking his own seat she looked down at the food...

"you made this..?" the food looked amazing, it must have took him a while to make this...

"I did, it's our first date I wanted it to be special..." she tilted her head smiling at him, how is she this lucky? having a person like this not even a person out of all people jungkook, he carressed the top of her hand...

"let's eat..." they both finished their plates pretty quickly, the whole date went by smoothly it was incredible to be able to talk to him alone, all she hoped was everything would stay like the way it is, hoped...

the weekend...

ewin 🤡
girls this is not working, I tried to act unbothered but it's not working

sujin 💀
gurl you need to do that shit infront of him so he can somewhat be affected by it

or you can just act normally and hope for the best

ewin 🤡
I'll just do what sujin said

sujin 💀
anyways Y/N how is the black shadow

ewin 🤡
girl give us everything my love life is so dry right now let me hype you two

do remember I am dating a whole ass introvert, I am carrying this relationship on my shoulders

sujin 💀
I would have been so tried, are you on your way?

ewin 🤡
yeah five minutes!

I am heading back to the apartment to get something but I'll be there soon

ewin 🤡
do you want a ride? it's not that far from sujins

okay thanks

sujin 💀
okay bitches see you soon

she sighed walking back towards the apartment building, as she did she saw a figure leaning themselves right by the enterance of the building, they were wearing all black a cap and a black mask to cover their face...

"jungkook..?" that's her first thought, is he already back from the gym..? but he wasn't holding his gym bag, jungkook left with his gym bag but this person is not holding anything on him, the male turned his head hearing jungkook's name being called out he walked down the building but another person called out her name...

"Y/N! run!" she turned around seeing jungkook run towards her, she was so confused all she did was nothing, she was stuck, everything was happening in slow motion, before jungkook can reach her the unknown person pulled out his weapon a immediately pulled his trigger, with that everything turned black...


𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐞𝐭 𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞 • 𝐣𝐣𝐤✔︎Where stories live. Discover now