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"mum.." the male walked inside his parents house, closing the door behind him after sighing so deeply he heard his mother storm down the stairs, her heels drove him crazy, he waited for her to come down and give him another harsh lesson, but instead of a yell he got a rough slap against his cheek, his mother was furious, the tension radiating from her, jimin was shocked, throughout his whole life his mother didn't lay a finger on him, not a single finger until today, his eyes widened having his hand on his red burning cheek, slowly turning around meeting his mother's face...

"how dare you...? how dare you do this to me, you lied to me!" he held in his tears trying not to break down and cry, he didn't want to not infront of his mother

"w-what are you talking about..?" he struggled to even get those words out, but he wasn't worried about that, he was worried about what his mother will say now...

"you said you were doing business, I called the university and they told me you are doing photography..? are you serious!? You must be out of you're mind!" she took a step closer but he stepped backwards not wanting her to slap him again...

"is this it..? is that why you slapped me? have you ever thought of what I wanted to do with my life..? what I wanted to me in the future..? this is my life mother not yours, I don't care about the business, I don't want to do it, I want to do photography...." her eyes were huge clearly shocked...

"is this how you repay me..? I did everything for you and this is what you do to me..? this is wha-"

"I didn't do anything to you! all I wanted was a calm life, but with you that's clearly not happening, so I'm moving out..." the women chuckled looking at her son...

"you think that will be easy, if you step out that door me and your father are cutting you off completely, how are you going to live without us..?" jimin quickly turned around opening the door leaving his parents house without saying anything else to his mouth, he placed his helmet on before driving away...

30 minutes later

"I love you too jungkook..." she smiled looking down thinking of the percious moment she just had, after getting off the ride she had to leave jungkook get home alone due to an important call from her brother,

"hello..?"she walked inside her brothers office, his lights were turned off, she could see him on the chair, she opened the light quickly seeing his head on the desk, is he asleep...? she tapped his shoulders having a pile of documents on his desk...

"jin..? are you okay..?" the males eyes slowly started to open throwing his head back he opened his mouth..

"Y/N..? you're here..."

𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐞𝐭 𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞 • 𝐣𝐣𝐤✔︎Where stories live. Discover now