𝑑𝑖𝑟𝑡𝑦 𝑠𝑒𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑠

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2 days later 9:00pm (a few hours before the incident)Taehyung's houseHalloween Masquerade party

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2 days later
9:00pm (a few hours before the incident)
Taehyung's house
Halloween Masquerade party

"so you didn't come with jungkook...? why?" sujin commented drinking her fifth cup of alcohol while it hasn't even been a hour since they all arrived,  with one sip she finished the drink and placed it on the circle table, ewin was also present, fixing her hair on her phone camera....

"we decided to come separately so we could guess each others costumes..." Y/N adjusted her mask slightly lifting it upwards, taehyung's party was crowded, he invited anyone he could think of, the music exploded through the big speakers as people started to dance in the centre, other people sat in corner either drinking or making out with random strangers that they just met..

"so why are you holding a broomstick..?" ewin spoke also grabbing the full cup from the table, before she could answer that question her phone buzzed on her hand, she quickly opened her phone

I'm here, let's see who can find the other first

she smiled staying in her position not looking around the room, she was located at the back of the party, in the corner by the windows, this was a competition for the both of them, knowing that jungkook loves to win motivates her so much to drag his ass down

"hoseok's here..."sujin quickly started to walk towards the entrance where taehyung, jungkook and hoseok stood...

"do you know what jungkook is dressed as?" ewin asked Y/N, the girl nodded smiling

"of course I do..." ewin had a good view of what jungkook was dressed as, she knew what he was wearing, ewin moved closer to her...

"what is he dressed as?" the girl leaned closer whispering in ewin's ear, ewin's eyes flew open stepping back a little

"how do you know...?" the girl had a small smirk plastered on her lips, it wasn't a surprise for her at all, she knew what he would dress up as, she just felt it deep down, she knew he would do it and she hoped he knew what she dresses up as

"I need to use the rest room...." she patted ewin's back gently before stepping away from her, still having a glass of champagne around her fingers she started to walk up the stairs of Taehyung's house, her heels met the metal stairs hearing a light click, she deeply sighed arriving at the guest bathroom, she walked inside placing the glass on the sink,
she looked up at herself fixing her mask around her eyes

suddenly the door quickly opened

"it's occupied..." she commented but that didn't stop the person from walking further inside the bathroom, closing the door behind them they walked inside quickly placing their arms around her

she looked up at the mirror looking behind her

"you should really stop coming up from behind like that..." the boy chuckled resting his chin on her shoulder

"did you really need the toilet or were you doing that just for me to follow you..?" she turned around as the male stood up straight, having a look at him now her guess was completely right, his costume was exactly what she imagined, from top to bottom he looked perfect, he had a light grey suit on that fitted him well, moving up to his face there were little whiskers coming from his nose, it looked like he customized it, he had huge grey ears coming from his head and from the back there was a small tail attached by his lower back having a grey mask covering his eyes...

"I knew it, you dressed as a rabbit..." jungkook chuckled once again showing his pure smile

"I also guessed yours right..." to him she knew what she would dress as and he was correct, she had a small puffy soft brown skirt with black fishnets, wearing a black corset with black boots and a broomstick on her hand, she had beautiful red prominent lipstick on her lips

"my perfect witch..." he admired her, without jungkook knowing Y/N placed her hands on his belt pulling him closer for a deep kiss, the male instantly responded placing his arms around her gently

30 minutes later

"guys, I would like you all to meet my date..." taehyung's hand was placed on her back as they approached the group, they were all standing by the bar area, they turned around looking at the both of them

"sophie? you're taehyung's date..?" Y/N questioned looking at her make up artist without her mask, she had her arm around taehyung's waist standing close to the male, she nodded welcoming herself to everyone

"hello everyone..."

"sophie you know Y/N and jungkook right, well the one over there with her head on the counter is sujin the guy next to her that's trying to wake her up is hoseok her boyfriend..." hoseok turned around quickly bowing to her and walking back to his unconscious girlfriend

"the one with the orange hair is jimin and the girl next to him with the blonde hair is ewin which is his girlfriend..." ewin walked towards her hugging her tightly smiling brightly

"welcome to the group.." on the other hand jimin was sitting down sipping his drink looking quite annoyed properly because jungkook is present and within his vision

"thank you..." sophie said, she looked up at her date as taehyung looked down at her

"I'm going to use the bathroom.." the boy smiled leaving a soft peck on her forehead before she left for the bathroom, as soon as she left Y/N walked closer to taehyung lifting her eyebrows higher

"since when did you take an interest in sophie...?"

however, sophie took her steps up those stairs, slowly looking around her the girl opened her handbag around her arm, she continued to walk towards the bathroom getting inside and locking the bathroom door behind her, she got a hold of her phone opening Instagram, she was logged in as


having the evidence that she gathered from the past few years this was it, these were the last people that are going to jail and finally she can live in peace, at least that's what she thought, pressing her back against the bathroom door she slid down sitting down on the floor

she deeply sighed before pressing the sent button and posting it online

"I'm sorry taehyung..."

𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐞𝐭 𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞 • 𝐣𝐣𝐤✔︎Where stories live. Discover now